Jumanji 2 was awesome!
A rare case of a Sequel that is not a cringe cash grabFor those unaware:
The movie with Kevin Hart, Jack Black and Dwayne the Rock Johnson
Before you read, here is the Tl;Dr = I give it a solid 4.5/5 (refer to my Artistic Scale)

Now then, by audience type:
For kids:
It was fun & enjoyable. Plus the flashy color and spectacle is something to leave them in awe. There is plenty of comedy and flavor to keep the young entertained
For teens:
It has the teen drama, and a brief investigation on Escapism, University Pressures, The Monotony of Daily Life along with all the difficulties one faces in day to day life. Explored through Teens transitioning into Adult Hood.
For Adults:
It has deep themes and a strong narrative in the back to read into. Also all the Innuendos that fly over the heads of kids are hilarious for the adults to enjoy among-st themselves.
As for the deep themes, it explores the mortality of life and of Life after work: Retirement. It explores Friendships and the concept of betting your life on something.
Overall, it has a little something for everyone and above all quite enjoyable.
The movie isn't complicated, and I feel It doesn't need to be. The plot device is plausible and sensible:
There is a video game console that throws you into the world of Jumanji where you must use the Characters to finish the main quest, which involves stopping a bad guy and getting the McGuffin back, to get back home. You have 3 lives, and the game is highly dangerous with each character having their strengths and weaknesses and have to encounter enemies, challenges and puzzles. Our Protagonist finds it and tinkers around with it until it traps him and his 3 School friends into it (That was the first movie) but thats all you need to know to watch this.
If you haven't watched Movie 1, this alone is still enjoyable as it walks through everything using the 2 New Old Guys who don't have a clue of what video games are. If you did, then you will enjoy the call backs and new features this time around!
The action adventure and thrill is spot on:
- It doesn't over stay (It doesn't drag out or side tracked, its a full blown sprint with a few break moments in between)
- It isn't anticlimactic (except when it needs to be for comedic purpose)
- The pacing is great (They speed up during tense moments so you stay in the action)
So now to explain why I gave 4.5/5 -> Refer to my Artistic scale
Enjoyable: Jumanji was thoroughly enjoyable. I watched it with a friend who isn't into Superhero films or Deep stuff; He prefers Comedy and Adventure. He loved the Jokes and Comedy along with the acting of each character. He was amazed by the Spectacle and Exotic features of the Movie. It was enjoyable from start to finish
Artistic: While it is comedy, it boasts some amazing Character sketches which makes the character feel lively and their world lived in. Along with the Background Narrative on Mortality and Life itself. Jumanji 2 is as Artistic and Deep as it is Enjoyable Comedy.
Recommended: I recommended all my friends, those who have watched the 1st one and those who haven't to watch this so that checks out
Re-Watching: I can totally see myself watching this again with my other friends or family and enjoying the entire thing all over again.
Perfect?: While I enjoyed the movie and recognize the depth and quality of it, It is not a perfect product and I have some nitpicks for the movie on how to make it better. Hence I gave it an Upper 4 score.
I can't call it a masterpiece (5/5) because I have a few nitpicks (SPOILERS AHEAD)
1: They don't use the Venom Weakness of Ruby Roundhouse this time, so essentially her character was essentially Perfect. Fridge, who has a disdain for losing his fitness, conceded the opportunity to have this character. He might have fought for it, but a short cut of him understanding that he is the best zoologist might have cleared it up.
2: The map guys weakness is heat and sand but it isn't lethal like a weakness should be so its more comedy which takes tension off from the weaknesses. That said, the map guy should have fainted the moment they saw his weaknesses. Hence leaving em stranded and discover the value of the map guy who is insult throughout the movie while adding comedy too.
3: I felt they rushed it a bit and recklessly lost lives to introduce tension faster
4: The Taichi moment where our Walker Dude gets Destroyed by Eddie Brave-stone is ridiculous since Walker is out of character and he says their thing is settled after that when it clearly isn't. It felt. Like a cheap way to reduce his life.
5: Switchblade should have been a weapon, not a character. And that weapon should have been with the Final Boss.
The lesson our MC shud take away is despite having super strength and all powerful
It was his wit and cunning that made him who he is, so he uses that to outsmart the final boss and defeat him
Thus restoring faith the Main Couple had in each other of how they know each other
And that was my take on Jumanji 2! Hope I have convinced you to go see it! Later!
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