Borderlands 2
I really can't get into this game if I'm playing solo. (Probably because I have other stuff to play like Skyrim or some JRPGs)
This is The Go To Game for coop imo
You can pick 1 of 4 classes:
Commando Axton

His special ability is deploying a Turret that attacks enemies in a 360 degree radius
Gunzerker Salvador

Imagine Dual Wielding Guns, now imagine Rocket Launchers Muahahahah this guy is Crazy fun with Guns!
Siren Maya

She can trap her enemies with her Charm ;). Which is a Psychic force that basically lift stuns any enemy for a length of time, which makes them an easy target for the entire team to attack!
Plus shes damn fine
Assassin ZERO

Meet the most popular one of the Squad: Hes a Ninja, like an actual Ninja. He has a Katana and can go Invisible plus he is great with Snipers!
They all have their own special abilities but the game pretty much let's you play however you want!
You can coop with upto 4 people which makes it really fun with friends!
My favorite is the Siren (naturally)

I like Siren Cuz she's a damn fine girl xD plus the fact that her abilities allow me to basically Stun lift literally everyone in the game and she can play support to heal others (I have an affinity for playing support)
And I play with her all the time xD
I tried Assassin but I like Siren more
I have played a lot with my friends, but
Mostly everyone I have been with has picked the Assassin xD hence the Popularity
He's cool, he has good skills in melee and Snipers
And his ability allows him to go invisible which is great for getting behind enemy lines and one shorting em
So anyhow
As of late
I am playing this with my Sister and my friends
My sister runs another siren while my Omani friend runs the Assassin
My Pakistani friend (the one from Crusader Kings 2) also played as an Assassin in this!
The furthest I got was with my sister on the Firehawk mission.
I thought Maya was nice
But then came Lillith

Like damn
I'm a Sucker for Red Heads, so I was insta Sold xD
I recently played with my Omani friend, who is an Assassin, and we got to the fire-hawk mission (but didn't complete it, as in we didn't meet Lilith yet)
This game is really fun to play
You can have 3 of your friends join you and have tons of fun just mindlessly killing bandits with no moral repercussions and just loot the absolute Heck out of everything (The weapons generation system is absolutely cathartic)
Finding a rare item or bringing down a big boss with your friends is really fun and really gets you into the spirit
Highly recommend this game with friends
Other than thst Handsome Jack is probs one of the best villains I have seen in video games along with Vaas from Far Cry 3
Highly recommend this game
Either for friends
For fun
Or the story
This game will have plenty for you to sink your teeth into before you get tired of it
Also claptrap is an amazing mascot xD

So now for some stories
Round 1:
2 of my Pakistani friends (One of them is the same guy from Crusader Kings)
Me: Assassin
CK, Pakistani Friend: Gunzerker
Other Pakistani Friend: Assassin
Ill be frank, we didn't get far xD
we reached the 2nd mission: Best Minion Ever and then stopped. We didn't pick up afterwards
3 players is chaotic af xD
The Gunzerker kept on charging in (naturally) but he kept dying, so I was forced to keep reviving him. I really like Melee Combat, so Naturally I was ninjaing all around the battlefield like crazy. Problem with that is, if the Gunzerker dies, and I am running around invi then all the enemies focus on the other Assassin (My friend) who is casually sniping from behind. He gets overwhelmed and so rather than meleeing people, I end up being the medic running to and fro the fight reviving the Gunzerker and the Assassin xD
We weren't exactly the optimal team.
Round 2:
The Pakistani Friend from CK2
Ya know I think we should give him a name now xD
Hmmm, I guess I'll call him Melt
He really likes Meltlilith from Fate Grand Order xD
Me and Melt
Me: Siren
Melt: Assassin
This time it went better, Melt sniped enemies from behind while I engaged up front. I prefer going in Melee (as usual) so I handle small fry and Immobilize big fish with my Ability which Melt then proceeds to tear apart from a distance with his sniper. We went a long way, we finished Best Minion Ever and even the Bullymong quest. Oh and I have to mention, this game has amazing Humor xD And the Boss Battles are Lit af.
in fact, all enemies are quite interesting and just when you feel they are easy BAM a Badass <Insert Enemy Here> appears. These guys have alot of health and deal alot of damage. They really make things interesting all of the sudden xD
I reached Sanctuary with Melt before we stopped. And ofcourse didn't continue.
Hopefully this doesn't become a trend
Spoiler: It does
Round 3:
Another one of my Pakistani friends (yes I have a lot, they are everywhere) who also studies in my Uni was with me on this one
I floated the idea of playing a cooperative game. First we downloaded FarCry 5 but we couldn't Co-op unless we bought it on Uplay. Which was Inconceivable for a Pirate like me XD
So I got him Borderlands through my other Pakistani Friend who was around in my first game (not Melt)
Hey, thats a good name for him. Lets call him Not-Melt now
Plus this new friend of mine had a fascination for the Northern Pakistanis. I believe they call them Patan? Potahn? Paitan? Pathan!
So I'll call him that now, This Colleague of mine whom we shall call: Pathan
Me: Siren
Pathan: Assassin
I swear Everyone wants the Assassin, he is just so damn popular. I actually had to google Axton the Commando since I have never really played him or seen anyone play him XD
So me and Pathan didn't go far, we finished the Bullymong Quest but then I got stuck in the map XD
after an hour of aggressively jumping around I came out!
Oh and btw, I hold the record of : Not losing a single duel in all of my games (I am not an idiot so I didn't Duel my sister. She is a monster)
So naturally I beat Pathan as well XD
After a while he got bored and wanted to play FarCry 4 so we discontinued the endeavor.
Round 4:
My Sister and me
So my sister picked up Borderlands while she was doing her Masters in the UK.
Oh yea btw, my Sister did a Masters in Games Development, how Cool is that xD
So anyway, I suggested we play Borderlands since she wanted to play more games with me.
Our first attempt was Dungeon Defenders 2 but that died out real fast.
Me: Siren
Sis: Siren
This time she got the drop on me xD
My sister had a really high level Siren, she was about to finish the game with her. For her to start a new game again so we cud play together really grinded my gears.
She gave me her high level stuff (Which I couldn't use so I sold it for some $$$)
And she basically mowed through every enemy in the game
Ill be honest this was probably my most boring run in comparison, but It was entertaining since my Sister was really enjoying herself. She mostly uses Trainers and Cheats, so this was equivalent to that for her. I was enjoying the challenge of advancing the story at an unprecedented pace which often left me against high level foes xD
It was a true test of my skill which I boast is pretty damn good
I mean I have been playing FPS games since I was little. I played hella lot of Call of Duty back in the day (still do but not as much)
So This run at the same time was where I reached the farthest. I reached the Firehawk mission and met the Gorgeous Lilith. My hopes immediately dashed when I found out that leader of the Crimson Raiders was her Boyfriend
Although what was I even thinking in the first place, My character is a girl anyway. While that really adds fuel for some vivid fantasy lets not go there xD
So anyway, I went ahead and busted out the Leader from that Dam after we got a Bandit Car to get us into their Compound.
I tell you, that was absolute Hell XD
Handsome Jack's Robots are absolutely monstrous (to me that is, my sis was tearing em apart by the metric ton)
We saved the leader and then had some more quests, but I insisted to take a break xD
We haven't continued after that yet
Round 5:
Yea, I have played this alot XD and I have started a new game every damn time
But the fun part is that I can have the same character everytime. Hence I play with Siren all the way through.
This time we got my Omani Friend!
He is currently in New Zealand so Ill call him Haka(i)
Don't ask me whats with the (i) cuz I aint telling xD
Me: Siren (obviously)
Haka(i): Assassin
This is getting old fast, but as you can see: The Assassin is hella popular with everyone.
Haka(i) was already a bit leveled but he started a new game
This time around we both zoomed through the early game since we were quite levelled, The fun started when we reached Sanctuary
I loved Melee and Haka(i) liked Sniping, but we both compromised most of the time and got medium range rifles to mow down the competition.
Haka(i) is quite versatile in his play-style, or so I thought, turns out he had no idea what he was doing XD there you have it, he was doing fine and having fun despite having no idea whats happening. He climbed levels fast and it was a hell of a blast playing with him.
My other Omani friend was due to join us but he had a commitment so he couldn't come. So its only us 2 for now, but rest assured its gonna be a Trio after a long time now
We reached the FireHawk mission and will do that next time but we blitzed through the rest of the missions. It was quite entertaining If i say so myself xD
We made quite the pair, I rushed in with my Melee and Ability while he alternated between Long Ranged Sniping to Melee Swordsmanship and even Spraying SMGs
He was utterly unpredictable, yet I wasn't worried. It was more of a Diabolical Derby to see how fast we could do and how many we could kill and how much we could blow up in the shortest time xD
Really fun
Anyhow thats it for now
we got
Melt: Pakistani, played CK2 and Borderlands 2 Assassin
Not-Melt: Pakistani, played Borderlands 2 Assassin
Pathan: Pakistani, played Borderlands 2 Assassin and FarCry 5
Sis: Mein Sister
Haka(i): Omani, played Borderlands 2 Assassin
Ya know, Ill make a dedicated Nicknames post to track this from now on XD
anyhow, hope you liked my take on Borderlands. It's really fun and I hope I have convinced u to go play it
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