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Fire Emblem Blazing Sword Support List

So I picked up Fire Emblem,
My friends recommended me to start with Blazing Blade
I am taking forever to finish it (If I ever will)

But well I spent my time constructively and made a Spreadsheet for the optimum support pairing!
Turns out if you stick 2 peeps next to each other, they start interacting and boosting each other XD
I made an

Excel Spreadsheet <== The Link (Open in Google Sheets, otherwise some data might appear missing)

which compares which pair is optimal

These are not the *Fastest Pairs*
They are the *Optimal* meaning if you want everyone to pair with their best possible partner then this is what I came up with.
The rates for everyone with everyone else are still stated.
The optimal rates are at the bottom.

Hope this helps!

Image result for Fire Emblem blazing blade"

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