So firstly, I have been playing this game for the past 4 years now. It took me an year to get the hang of it and next 3 have been an absolute blast!
You can start as a lowly count and rise to be an Emperor between the dates of 867 AD to 1444 AD in Europe, Asia and Africa!
Its Free to Play on Steam, but all the DLC's are priced, and this game is pretty dead without the DLCs. Like the DLCs make this crazy good!
So anyway, why the renewed interest?
Well I got not 1 but 2 of my friends to start playing!
I condensed my 1 year of knowledge into 1 hour and ran them through the tutorial.
Now the best way to talk about this game is to share stories:
The year is 1066 AD, The Norwegians have invaded England and are overwhelming. Meanwhile, the Normans in France, Normandy, have decided to invade England and claim it for themselves! King Harold of England stands as the last Anglo-Saxon King to stem this tide. How will the tides of fate turn?
Spoiler: Norway conquered England. Yep
So the lineup is as follows:
King of England: Me
Count of Cornwall: My Turkish Friend
Count of Northampton: My Pakistani Friend
The game starts and my two friends went about their ways managing their realms.
The Count of Northampton fulfilled his wish to get married! "I have a waifu now" and immediately got to work trying to conceive a child (Which took like an year)
The Count of Cornwall was hell bent on declaring war and expanding, and plotting and pillaging, but first he needed to conceive some heirs! He got married to some courtier and had 3 KIDS and the Count of Northampton still didn't get one, a real chad here.
Meanwhile, me being England I was getting rekt by Norway and Normandy. My opening move was to Surrender to Norway
WHAT? You might ask. Well I can't beat any of em. I don't have the DLC: Sons of Abraham which allows me to get 300 Gold loan from the JEWS (and then banish them for some more) which I could use to fund a mercenary army and beat the invaders with. I had a measly 90 gold, and I could barely afford to maintain my army. So I had to surrender ASAP and plan for the future. The Normans did not accept since they didn't occupy anything, the Norwegians were more than happy to! They only really needed the title.
So I conceded and got thrown into prison (I'm gonna be here for a while) which gave the Crown of England to Norway. Now its Norway vs Normandy and Norway defeated Normandy, just through very stupid means since the AI is terrible.
Anyhow, before I surrendered I got my affairs in order. I made the Count of Northampton my Regent, Then I go to Jail.
The Count of Cornwall wanted Devon, but I couldn't give it since my Regent didn't approve. Even though he did, he did not know how to approve of the deal. I tried giving Devon to him so he could give it to the Count of Cornwall. That plan backfired because now it seems he can't give land to other rulers.
Now while the two squabbled around trying stuff, I sat around in my prison. I even asked em to kill me but they are terrible at plots.
Anyhow, years pass and my eldest son comes of age. He is now the regent, atleast now I can give away some of my land. In this game there is a limit to how much land you can directly own, and I was 1000% above my limit literally
So I had to give out land before my realm revolted against me. I gave some lands to my sons, then by a stroke of luck. The King of Norway took mercy and released me. I retained my title as Duke of Essex and my lands so all was well. I immediately gave lands to my family to maintain it, and just as that happened. The King of Norway created the title Duchy of Cornwall, and gave it to: Count of Northampton
Now the Count of Cornwall became his vassal. This allowed him to finally give him Devon, after which the now Count of Cornwall and Devon wanted to be a Duke so he had to usurp his liege. So as repayment for getting Devon, he planned to revolt and be independent!
The Count of Northampton promptly imprisoned and executed him. His son took over, which he also imprisoned and executed, oblivious of being a tyrant.
However due to his fertile nature, the Count had 2 daughters. When The Count of Northampton tried to imprison the first daughter: Countess of Cornwall, his luck failed him and she rose in Revolt!
With Devon and Cornwall, the Countess slightly outnumbered the Count of Northampton.
A War raged, and it raged on my lands. This had to stop
I secretly plotted the demise of the Count of Northampton. Turns out being a tyrant doesn't win you friends. I got 300% plot support for killing him, naturally I did so. He perished, but before this I had my nephew married to his daughter, since the intention was to form an alliance and stomp over the Countess of Cornwall, but that failed since the alliance was formed after the war was declared. However, since that girl was now the Countess of Northampton and the last of her dynasty. With the support of the King and my Nephew, I plotted to kill her as well.
During this time, the forces of Cornwall marched to the capital Northampton but despite being more in number the river advantage of Northampton won it a Decisive Victory!
The War would no doubt be won by Northampton since they have the numerical advantage now!
Sadly they couldn't rejoice for their Countess was assassinated shortly after.
My Pakistani friend, with that, lost all of his living Dynasty and thus it was Game Over for him
My Turkish friend on the other hand continued his war, but the problem is that his liege was now the King, meaning he was in rebellion to his King!!
The King had 10 times the Size of his army, no doubt the Countess of Cornwall was poised to lose this war and with that would be sent to jail.
2 little girls, last of their dynasty holding 2 precious Counties, it would only be a matter of time before those 2 would be assassinated.
The game ends with both of my friends facing a Game Over, so we decided to call it quits and leave the game.
It was a really fun game xD
I expect to play more of this in the coming future
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