For those of you who don't know
Terraria is 2D Minecraft and a whole lot more
For those of you who don't know what Minecraft is
Terraria is a 2D Rogue Survival Adventure Game where you are thrown into a world with your own character. You have but one Objective: SURVIVE
You find yourself reaping from the land, foraging food, strangling bunnies and what not whilst exploring a vast Randomly Generated World. You can craft tools, weapons, armor to aid you. You can create a House or a Fort. Or you can seek to go underground and mine. The Underground is like a whole new world, with deep ravines filled treacherous travesties as well as tempting treasure.
However, there is a catch. Literally Everything is trying to Kill you!
And what isn't can likely kill you too!
Zombies, Skeletons, Vampires, Demonic Eyes, Flies, Blobs of Slime of all Colors and all sort of nightmares. Should you escape underground, you will be met with Earth Worms, Bats, Spiders and whatnot.
There are seasons and rain to worry about, on the blood moon comes Blood Zombies and other horrors hell bent on Killing you
Deep underground there are Blood Lakes and other crevasses.
If you seek refuge in the sky, there are floating Islands and other Wonders, even all the way up to Space. But then you get attacked by Space Zombies.
Thats just what I have seen, and I have barely played for 4 hours!
I played it with Melt and UmU
Refer to Nicknames
And We had fun!
The game opens and the two are already 500 ft below ground. I make my way to a weird underground base and get equipped with some wood armor and weapons. I make my way down and witness the insanely huge and complex cave systems generated by the world, finally I reach down only to be eaten alive by Slime XD
My friends tried to remedy their situation with a potion, but UmU drank the wrong one by accident. It was a Recall Potion that sent them back home
That left Melt all alone in the underground, it wasn't long before he died xD
So now we are back up we decide to explore around a bit, we also needed some wood for crafting so we went on ahead. Sadly our plans were cut short when night fell and hordes of zombies and demon eyes terrorized us!
Apparently someone left our entrance open, so the Zombies flooded into our base!
We died a couple of times
Enough to riddle the entire surrounding landscape with Gravestones! (They drop whenever your character dies)
So after a long period of dying running and fighting, Dawn breaks and we head out!
We were playing softcore so we only lose gold, not items whenever our character dies. So that made the game really casual!
While me and Melt Chopped Trees. UmU decided to take to the skies, he kept stacking dirt blocks beneath him and went up
He found a floating Cloud Island! You can move around and harvest Cloud in this game!
You can use it to make Cloud Walls and stuff! Crazy.
So While he fooled around there, Melt followed him.
I went back and made a Metric Ton of Wooden Platforms which I used to make a literal stairway to heaven xD
That stairway connected to the sky Island. But UmU had already explored all of it and even set ropes that allow you to go up and down as you willed!
Many days passed in this, and I don't mention the nights since we died alot xD
this would be 90% of me dying and 10% everything else.
We decide to head back down. Melt use the Dirt Blocks to spell the five lettered short hand for the male genitalia, which UmU graciously capitalized on and added L A N D beneath.
I sighed in disappointment and later demolished the deed.
Melt had to go eat afterwards so he left,
Me and UmU Continued
For the next 2 Hours I decided to renovate the Mines below by adding proper walling and creating a Shaft with an Elevator using the Platforms
Apparently if you press down when on a platform, you can drop off of it (I learnt this the hard way from the stairway to heaven)
I used that to my advantage and stacked Platforms in a Column with 5 Block space in between
If I held down then I would fall down as I willed without taking fall damage as I would stop momentarily after every 5 blocks
If I wanted to go up I had to simply jump up
This was extremely effective, especially in the absence of Ropes
UmU explored deeper and deeper and found

Whatever this is xD
After some time I got bored of the shaft and went exploring with just my torch, Lance and Pickaxe
I encountered Dead Goblin Spearmen Zombie dudes, Earth Worms, As many Colored Slimes as there are colors of the Rainbow.
The Blood Moon came in the middle too and we were attacked by Blood Zombies.
Where did they come from?
I would wonder in the short time between deaths.
We eventually
This game is as extensive and huge as your creative mind can comprehend, and it is extremely entertaining with friends. There is an endless world to explore and no limit to what you can and cannot do
Plus its super cheap on Steam!
Not-Melt got convinced and bought it to join me! xD
I will share future episodes!
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