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In the Memory of my Best Friend

Today, 2 Years Ago. I came home to grim news. I was in my A2s and it was already quite stressful and tough. I found my solace in playing Europa Universalis IV, DoTA and Minecraft with my best friend.
Yet today, I heard he had perished.
There was a flurry of confusion, speculation, paranoia and discord.
That day was the darkest in my life.
I had made more life changing decisions on that day than I did in my entire life, and it was the event that shaped my life.

So I shall remember it always.

22nd January 2018
My Best Friend,
whom we shall refer to as: sunnymaboi 

We were playing Europa Universalis IV at night as usual.
I was playing France and he was Castille (Spain) in the year 1444
He was hilariously bad (can't blame him, hes a beginner) despite how much I taught him.
The first mission is the Reconquista to beat Granada, which he somehow gloriously messed up.
I was prepping up to beat England in the Hundred Years War in the meantime, but I had to cut that short and go help him, however the damage was already done. He had somehow commandeered the destruction of his entire army, despite having huge numerical superiority.
He managed to get a peace deal with some land and ducats. Then the Occupation of Maine fired and my Hundred Years War kicked off once more, I wiped the floor with England.
It was at this time, sunnymaboi had the brilliant idea of invading Aragon (his neighbor) to steal some money and land. Aragon was stronger than him as of now since his blunder with Granada. He again botched that attempt as well, which forced me to declare war on Aragon and keep him from disintegrating. I cut my War with England short and made peace, and immediately went to attack Aragon to save Castille. Seeing the Spanish Weakness and being relatively unscathed from me in the Hundred Years War, England decided it was the perfect time to Invade Castille along with Portugal.
This forced me to Truce Break against England as well.
This destroyed my stability, and the toll on my economy and manpower accumulated.
To make matters worse, Burgandy decided to capitalize on my weakness and declared War on me!

Now it's  France(me) and Castille(sunnymaboi) against England, Portugal, Aragon, Burgundy and his lackeys in Barbant, Flanders and Holland

I wiped the Floor with Aragon and guided Castille to finish the War with him, while I destroyed Portugal and England.
Peace with Aragon was finally achieved and Portugal was occupied, now I marched back to Paris to defeat the Burgundian's However England was still kicking. While I was far in Paris, Sunnymaboi did something that I had never seen in all my years playing Europa.

He had somehow mishandled his army yet again, and ended up with a minuscule amount. He was real shy of taking loans, while I was swimming in them. He had 3,000 low morale troops against the English 21,000 High Morale troops!
It was in the Province of Navarra and Sunnymaboi had Mountain advantage.
Believe it or not

The English rolled 5 0's In A Row.
Dealing no damage to sunnymaboi whereas he rolled Zingers that kept on dealing damage to the English.
Being outnumbered 7 to 1 with the most pathetic odds, sunnymaboi actually defeated the English Army. Which forced a peace deal in our favor.
We took Portugal, and I defeated the Burgundian forces and dismantled them.

My country was in ruins from the intense plays, and Spain was starting to thrive. I decided to rest and call it a day. This was insane.

I had promised him we will play together when I come to visit him home (I was living abroad at the time) and asked if he wanted to play DoTA in the morning to which he agreed.

I slept, and he went out with a friend.
He came home and
had a cardiac arrest

Being seized by a Heart Attack, the House Caretaker who had gone to get him some water had arrived only to see him gone.

My Best Friend, had left this world. What seemed like  just another normal night of gaming, had a grim ending.
I found out the day after, and this news shook me.
I was in utter disbelief for the first few hours, but when it was confirmed by his family. I broke down.

For those of you who read my blog.
Appreciate your best friends,
You will never know when they will be gone.

Rest in Peace my Fraternal Twin, sunnymaboi.
We were born on the Same day. Yet you left earlier than me.

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