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So I Watched Cowboy Beebop

Everyone has a place where they belong..

                                                            Someplace they return to..

                                                            That comes with a Weighty Burden..

Everyone has their own Weight to pull..

                                                You're Gonna Carry That Weight... 

5.5/5 = Perfection that was executed beautifully.

There is quite literally, nothing else like it.

Netflix Blasts Off with Live-Action 'Cowboy Bebop' Series | Animation  Magazine

The plot is straight forward, In a futuristic world where Humans are spread across space. Our tale takes place on the Beebop, a ship were 2 Bounty Hunters are on. Jet and Spike. They chase down fugitives, terrorists, hackers and criminals of all sorts. On their travels they meet and welcome aboard 3 new mates. Ein, Faye and Ed.

The anime that spawned its own genre, Cowboy Beebop

1+2: Entertaining and Artistic= The show is episodic, meaning each episode is self contained. The only thing that carries forward are the world and the characters, thus each episode can be enjoyed on its own merit. It has plenty of action, comedy, suspense and stuff that keeps you interested and hooked. At the same time,

Its episodic nature can be a huge no for many people nowadays since we are used to binging our stuff. I argue that its a good thing that this isn't so easily binged. 

Every episode is like a 24 minute movie. You have the plot introduced with a hook, the complication is then addressed using the cast of characters the episode wants:

Jet, Spike, Faye and Ed or any combination of them. It proceeds to build up until the Climax, in a big Conclusion the episode ends leaving us enough to be satisfied and enough to ponder. This makes it excellent to savour every episode.

3 = I recommend this to everyone, you can be the I like edgy action stuff or the romance slice of life person. Doesn't matter, Cowboy Beebop is quite literally its own thing. It has been 2 decades since this anime first came to be, and no other show has done anything like this. It is quite literally One of Its Kind therefore, I recommend everyone to check it out, give it the 3 episode test. I am certain you will not be disappointed.

4 = Rewatch? YES 

The show is episodic and for the most part you feel there is no overarching theme or plot that is being addressed, so you will be content to watch and leave it once. To be fair, I thought the exact same thing until the final episode.

When everything that was building up behind the scenes, under your notice, it all comes together. In a near flawless parallel being drawn where everything quite literally comes full circle. The moment of absolute awe dawns on you. 

I will divulge nothing, but let's just say. 

Spike at the start is someone who has faked his death and cares little for the past,

Jet life his life still marred by his Past as a Police Officer who was happily married until his Wife mysteriously left him one day. He learns to deal with it and move on, carrying the burden of where he belonged with him.

Faye has a huge debt on her shoulders, literally and figuratively for she has no memories of her past besides the fact she was awoken in a Cryogenic Facility. A woman out of her time, she is constantly running away and hoping to find a clue to her past and who she was so she may finally find a place to return to.

Ed, is a nomad. Going wherever they please and do whatever they please. Whatever is most entertaining and what sits well with them. 

Over the course of this Anime, everything will develop into full circle.

5 = Perfection?

My definition for perfection is: Could it be done any better?

To which My answer is most definitely Definitely not.

The Final episode, the anime was more than justified to make it a cookie cutter plot that everyone expects.

Beebop doesn't do it the way you would think.

It satisfied exactly what I wanted out of it, in subversion not in wish fulfilment, and then delivered on its premise with a narrative conclusion that should be considered AN EXEMPLAR CASE OF HOW TO END AN ANIME 

looking at you Evangelion.

Every quote from the ending of each episode in Cowboy Bebop in order -  Album on Imgur

In summary, Cowboy Beebop took me 3 months to finish. Yet I don't regret it at all. I am glad I didn't binge it all, this was truly something special. If you binge the 26 episodes of 24 minutes each where 4 minutes is OP and ED then thats basically 520 minutes.

Watching it over the course of 3 months, I felt somewhat attached to the crew. Like Its not like your usual anime that things are exactly where you left them last time and now you have to remember what happened and how it got there.

Instead, between each episode: Time passes, the world moves on. That is life.

This disconnect made me feel much more at home. The Beebop became a familiar place, so while I saw all the new characters and villains and plots and adventures. At the end (and start) of it all was definitely the Beebop.

None of the characters betray their personalities, and there is no development that is contrary to belief.

It all is and always was, that's just how it is.

I give it a High 5 rating 

not a 6 because I didn't feel that shine you get or the polished feeling you get from an anime. Perhaps something memorable, or maybe a character so good you can make the anime about the character and they world will mold itself to fit the narrative. 

Its not the second coming of Christ, and neither is it something you should discard or just watch once and leave.

Cowboy Beebop is a journey, one that everyone should experience for themselves and see how it is. 

What's the meaning behind this? Just finished the show btw - cowboybebop


So I Watched Dororo

Hello prospective readers!

Sorry for the insanely huge time in between updates. Ever since the COVID Crsis sprung up, Everyone including Myself were caught up in a huge mess.
Academics went online, Survival took precedence, New Routines were set up, I got my arms busted and had to get Physiotherapy. All this in March.
Took me until April to get anything sorted and then I was grievously behind on my Academics,
So Updates to the Blog took little to no Priority sadly.

Usually here I would give my take on an anime in full depth and detail. 
However Im afraid Dororo does not Justify with its Quality the amount of Time I spent watching and analyzing it.


1/5 or 2/10 
depending on how you want your rating 

Again, refer to my Aristic Scale

I won't go into too much depth,
I would like to thank MAL User: RebelPanda
For his spot on Review of what I thought about Dororo as well,
He gives it a 5/10 which would be the same as my 1/5 since for me Anything below 5/10 on MAL would have been dropped.

You can see his entire review at length here:

As for my piece:

Anime Review: Dororo

A Gross Simplifcation:
Japan during the Samurai Era, just before the Warring States/Sengoku Jidai Period
A Realm Lord is at his wits end with his domains end imminent.
War, Famine, Disease and all matter of Catastrophe has fallen to his Land,
In his desperation, he feeds his firstborn Son to the Demons to Seal a Pact that would guarantee the Prosperity of his Land.
The bargain was struck and the Demons fed on the Firstborn, but due to the Goddess of Mercy Intervening, he was spared at Deaths Door, having none of his body except his head.
The Child against all odds Survives and grows up with Prosthetics, while the Lords Realm Prospered on his Sacrifice.

All grown up, he discovers the truth of his plight and that he needs to kill the Demons that robbed from him to get back his body.
But at what cost?

Enjoyable / Artistic: 1/5 -> The first 2 points are for Enjoyment and Artistic, so being 1/5 means it was either only enjoyable and had 0 artistic value, or it was a work of art in a sense it does something unique and novel but not enjoyable to watch.
Or it can be a mix of the two.
I would say Dororo sits at around 50% Enjoyable and 50% Artistic to a total of 1/2 of the possible points.

 I sat through it all, It was great amazing and brimming with energy at the start but towards the 12th Episode Mark it began to go downhill.
I was about to drop it at around the 15th Episode but I persisted simply due to the merit of characterization that Dororo recieved 

It has mature themes, it has an interesting take, it has good characterization, It has promising themes, it has an overarching theme and plot.
But that's the problem

Like Cavemen sitting on a well of Oil, it has it but it didn't develop it. 
Think of the worlds greatest Oil Reserve, it can be the basis of Trillion Dollar Industry, but because a Bunch of Cavemen have it the Potential is wasted since they don't know what to do.
The Enjoyable part is the Cavemen learning they can use it to color each other black, use it to slip each other, as a Lubricant for reasons or to Ignite it and burn each other.

That would sum it up, it was entertaining but it got old really really fast
And it hurts even more when you know just how much potential it has that is being wasted.

So that is my take on Dororo.

Oh and btw, Dororo is a Girl.
And if you are gonna be Patient enough to see her Grow up, ill save you the trouble (Last 3 minutes of the final Episode)

Grown up Dororo is very beautiful and Hyakkimaru is handsome ...

Have a nice day!


So I watched My Hero Academia S4

The Anime: Boku no Hero Academia meets its 4th Seasonal Installment

Boku no Hero Academia Season 4 Opening Full『BLUE ENCOUNT ...

For Manga Readers:
This Season covers the after math of what happened from Season 3 and ends with the Birth of something new. It also mainly focuses on OVERHAUL and Eri Chan, as well as the Grey area of Hero Society and the UA School Festival.

TL;dr: 5.5/6
Yet another Masterpiece I know. Its just my opinion but the Ending and Opening didn't have me interested hence the last missing point. Otherwise the Show Overcompensates for every other fault in the grandest way possibly.

Finally the Review:
You may recall I gave 5.5/6 -> Kindly refer to my Artistic Scale if you are confused

Note: BNHA has been, like Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, been consistently at 4 stars ranking. Which is a feat in it self, in Season 3 I was strongly tempted to bump it up to 5 stars due to United States of Smash but didn't because I believe the narrative would have held better differently afterwards than what actually happened. So going from 4 -> 5.5 has been the biggest leap among all other anime I have watched.

Since the Arc is primarily about Eri Chan, Overhaul and Togata Mirio lets start there
Firstly: P R O T E C C  E R I  C H A N
who is better | Fandom
now with that aside
Overhauls Arc and the Status of the Sshie Hassaikai mirrors that of a Hybrid between Yakuza and Samurai in Japanese Culture. Overhaul is the heir/acting leader of said Organization and he is using Eri Chan's powers to craft a Drug that will change the Landscape of Hero Society.
Midoriya and Mirio both work at Sir Nighteye's Work Study when the encounter Overhaul and Eri. Midoriya and Mirio both sense something wrong but don't press further. Later on Pro Heroes unveil a Drug among-st Street Villains that power your quirk exponentially and that Shie Hassaikai is likely involved. This begins an investigation which unveils the Dark Secrets revolving around Overhaul and Eri Chan and how she is being used to make said Drugs.

So as usual, BNHA has us hooked with yet another engaging plot line

Deku gets even more development
Eri is amazing as a character and you feel you want to protect her
Mirio shows why he is UA's best and brightest and why he was likely the Successor to All Might
The other 2 UA's Top Trio show their power and resolve, the rest of the cast gets their moments.
BNHA knows well that its strength lays in its variety of well developed characters. That aspect is held in full display as each character gets their time.

Visuals, Choreography and Animation:
A true Shounen anime to the end. BNHA is good for Artistic and Pop Corn fans alike. It has a little something for everyone to enjoy!

And that was only 1/2 the Season

In the 2nd Half we see the Gray Scale of Society,
By far my most favorite villain Character: Gentle Criminal
my try on Gentle Criminal c: hope you like it : BokuNoHeroAcademia
He represents not the League of Villains, but the usual people who had dreams of being Heroes but had fallen badly in Society. Heck, if Midoriya and Gentle had swapped places it would be almost the same. Gentle Criminal's Backstory is that of Midoriya except he failed in his first attempt at being a Hero. Midoriya jumped in and tried saving Bakugo only to spur All Might into action. Gentle didn't have that luxury and ended up getting someone killed, this led him down the path of villainy.
Boku no Hero Academia at first felt like trying to fill in big shoes by tackling subjects of Drugs. One could say it was mature, but I felt it was merely servicing to it. There is a lot more vile truths surrounding Drugs than just the product. With Gentle Criminal's Arc I felt BNHA had truly matured into an Anime that took these things seriously.
If Overhaul Arc was enough to put BNHA in the 5 star list, then Gentle Criminal ensured it was competing for 6 stars
There is also the amazing development of everyone during the Summer Festival. How EVERY LITTLE THING COUNTED
The Producers and the author alike did not discount anything. Neither did Midoriya, which cements him as the Greatest Shounen Protagonist due to his keen Perception and Intelligence as well as its application and how seriously he could escalate matters. I felt that the likes of Naruto would have devolved it into Comedy or Talk no Jutsu but Midoriya was no nonsense. Even during the fight he actively doesn't punch Gentle which is something to be noted as it is his way of understanding Gentle.
Overall, the Gentle Arc made BNHA in the running to be a 6 stars

E N D E A V O U R  
41+ Powerful My Hero Academia Quotes (IMAGES + Wallpaper)

Again I get the feeling Im repeating myself
but SEASON 4 is what makes BNHA from GOOD to GREAT
You are doing it a disservice by not watching

Deku VS Overhaul
Tamaki VS Hassaikai
Kirishima+Fatgum vs RAPPA!
Mirio VS Overhaul
Deku VS Gentle
E N D E A V  O U R
also HAWKS


Also, there are the many little things you will notice only on your rewatch, as well as the buildup. And the big thing revealed in the post credits (Manga Readers you will love this)

If the Music Choice had been better and melded into the show like how FGO Babylonia did so often as well as a full blown Insert Single Release from a Singer to go with Jiro's Performance
Furthermore (my opinion) better Opening and Ending Songs would have made BNHA a 6/5
However, the Music was not note worthy at all as I watched it all with little to no regard to the Music or Soundtrack
unlike the one in Season 1 and YOU SAY RUN
For that reason alone it cannot be a masterpiece, much like Endeavor cannot be All Might

Conclusion: 5.5/5 -> A celebration of what makes BNHA so amazing would be this season. Deku keeps evolving, the Villain League is getting more and more sinister, We see the more grey areas of society with Gentle Criminal and the Meta-Liberation Front (oh Manga peeps know this) so Go ahead and don't waste your time.


So I watched Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia

Tl;dr: 5.5/6

Now with that aside.
An Introduction:

If you want to skip the Intro, then start Skipping until u see a big dashed Line saying Read here


Who Writes Fate/Grand Order? - Anime News Network

Is a Mobile Game based off the FATE Series made by TYPE MOON
Author of whom is Kinoko Nasu
TYPE MOON has a variety of Series
-> Tsukihime (Moon Princess)
-> Kara no Kyoukai (Garden of Sinners)
-> Notes
-> Mahotsukai no Yoru (Magicians Night)
Type-Moon - Wikipedia
Their Flagship Franchise is the FATE Series:

FATE Originally was released as a Visual Novel back in 2003
It's First installment was: FATE STAY/NIGHT

Fate/stay night - Baka-Tsuki

which featured the Main Character EMIYA SHIROU that survived a ritual known as THE HOLY GRAIL WAR
This ritual involved 7 Magicians being Masters of 7 Heroic Spirits throughout the Ages of Humanity to battle each other until the last one standing. The Victor claimed the HOLY GRAIL which is said to be an Almighty Wish Granting Device.
EMIYA SHIROU survived from the aftermath of the 4th Holy Grail War in Fyuki, Japan.

Shirou Emiya (β) | The Convergence Series Wiki | Fandom

The story follows him as he battles in the 5th Holy Grail War, in which he is dragged into against his will.

There are 3 Routes: Fate route, Unlimited Blade Works and Heavens Feel

Fate (route) | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom

Fate Route got an adaption by Studio DEEN in 2008 (but frankly it was horrible so I am not gonna discuss it anymore)

Unlimited Blade Works (route) | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom
Unlimited Blade Works got a Movie Adaption 2010 followed by an Anime adaption in 2014 which was well recieved!

Fate/Zero – Flawed Characters, Urobuchi's Style, and Series ...
In addition there is the Prequel: FATE ZERO which got an anime adaption from its Light Novel in 2011
For those familar with only the anime adaptions, Fate Zero is known to be the best and UBW is often willified as too shounen and generic comapred to the dark and gritty setting of Fate ZERO.
Fate ZERO Follows the story of Emiya Kiritsigu (Shirous Adoptive Father) in his battle for the Grail during the 4th Holy Grail War. During which the catastrophe occurred in which Shirou was the sole survivor.

Lastly, the 3rd and last Route of Fate Stay Night, is Heavens Feel:
Heaven's Feel (route) | TYPE-MOON Wiki | Fandom

This is by far the greatest of the 3 routes.
Each route follows the 3 main heroines:
Arturia 'Saber' Pendragon
A revised version of King Arthur's legend. Follows FATE Route as the Servant Saber of the Master Emiya Shirou
Artoria Pendragon | Fate/Grand Order Wikia | Fandom

UBW Follows Tohsaka Rin, the Master of Archer (Emiya Shirou is still here)
824 Best Rin Tohsaka images in 2020 | Tohsaka rin, Fate stay night ...

Heavens Feel follows Sakura Matou, Shirou's Kouhai ( and her dark secret involving the Holy Grail)

Broccoli Character Sleeve [Fate/stay night: Heaven`s Feel] [Sakura ...

Now with that done

We come to Fate Grand Order which is a Mobile Game that follows us (The player) as Humanities Final Master. The History of Humanity has been mysteriously incinerated, so in a battle to preserve Human History. We (Ritsuka Fujimaru in the Anime) along with the Chaldea Security Organizaiton use SHEBA (a Magical Construct) to observe and Rayshift (Teleport to) different Ages where Mankind was defined in order to safeguard them hence a journey through the ages to battle threats to Humanities Existence, each age being a Singularity
We are officially Contracted to the Servant Shielder: Matthew Kyrielight (Mashu)
Fate/Grand Order Shielder(Mash Kyrielite) Noble Phantasm Lord ...

Fate Grand Order Revenue Now Exceeds $2 Billion Worldwide

Fate Grand Order, or FGO, is a mobile game that is a Visual Novel with RPG Elements and Strategy wise Gameplay.
Fate Grand Order VN - Saiyuki Prologue Translation - YouTube

There are 7 Singularities so far:

0: Fyuki - Japan 2003 (Ground Zero of the Incineration)
1: Orleans - France AD 1400s (Hundred Years War)
2: Septem - Rome AD 50s (Rule of Emperor Nero Claudius)
3: Okeanos - The 7 Seas (All great Navigators, Pirates and the Argonauts)
4: London - Britain (During the Industrial Revolution)
5: E Pluribus Unum - The United States during the 1800s (There is a Civil War happening)
6: Camelot - The Holy Land of Jerusalem  + Camelot (King Arthur is up to something)
7: Uruk - Babylonia in Ancient Mesopotamia (during the time known as THE AGE OF GODS)

Along with Lost Belts and so forth,

Now finally to the anime

---------------------------------------READ HERE-----------------------------------------------------------------

The Anime Fate Grand Order: Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia is an adaption of the 7th Singularity of Fate Grand Order.

The Synopsis:
Uruk under the Kingship of King Gilgamesh "The King of Heroes" is under attack by 3 Goddesses that have formed an Alliance to destroy Mankind. King Gilgamesh holds the Holy Grail which each of the Goddesses so much desires as it will make them the new Rulers of the Era.
The rest of Mesopotamia and the World has already fallen and if Uruk Falls, then the Foundation of Humanity will Collapse.
Chaldea sends us forth to aid King Gilgamesh in the Defence of Uurk and to defeat the 3 Goddess Alliance.

Finally the Review:
You may recall I gave 5.5/6 -> Kindly refer to my Artistic Scale if you are confused

Note: I have a visible bias towards the Fate Series, The worth of my opinion is entirely up to you. However, I try my best to be Unbiased in my reviews. Take it this way: If the Franchise I like gets a terrible adaption, I won't defend it to death. I will hate it more than usual, so anyway:

Definitely, The story written by Kinoko Nasu for Babylonia is absolutely top notch. THERE IS SIMPLY NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT
Name me another story that involves Heroic Spirits across Humanity coming under the Great King Gilgamesh to fight endless Hordes of Demonic Beasts under 3 Goddesses for Humanities Survival. One being from Mesopotamia, One from Mesoamerica and One which is a spoiler.
Mankind is up against The Literal Primordial Goddess of Creation: TIAMAT
On a scale unprecedented, mere mortal men with whatever knowledge of the Arcane fight for their survival. This is no DBZ with Sayains and Super Sayains. This is no Naruto with Ninjas firing Planet Size Chakra Attacks. There is quite simply nothing like it, it is one of its Kind. Perhaps the only one.
We get special mentions from the Mage of Flowers: Merlin, King Leonidas of Sparta, The Legend of Medusa from the Greek Mythology.

I am getting ahead of myself. So what else counts as Artistic:
Narrative and Character Building.
I watch for the Premise, The Narrative, The Characters that Drive it and the Lesson/Moral.
The Premise is absolutely top notch

The Narrative is Kinoko Nasu on full power going absolutely insane with his legendary Writing Skills. If you liked Fate, you will love this too. You will adore it.

Characters: The Insert: Fujimaru Ritsuka actually gets an amazingly decent amount of development. Mashu, the Shielder, Also gets development. Every single character we meet gets so much rich characterization. The 3 Goddesses, King Gilgamesh, King Leonidas, Ushiwakamaru, Benkei, Tiamat, Ereshkigal. EVERYONE GETS ALOT OF IT, you will love every damn second of it

The entire Theme revolves around Mankind and Humanity in itself proving its worth that it is not to be discarded and that it will persevere and survive. Forging its own Destiny and Will upon the Earth, without the help of the Gods and the greater Forces in existence.

So the story is top notch, what about the anime?
I look for:
Visuals, Adaption Strength, Choreography and Animation Strength.

Visuals: The Visuals are Goregous

Adaption Strength: It stays very much true to the original VN with some ramifications to accommodate the anime.

Choreography and Animation Strength:
Watch this and you will know:
Gorgon vs  Leonidas

Ushiwakamaru vs Gorgon

Quetzalcoatl vs Tiamat

STRONGLY STRONGLY STRONGLY STRONGLY STRONGLY RECOMMEND IT. Even if you are alien to the Fate Franchise, then this is a good place to start. This also stages what you need to know for the Camelot Movie.
You just need to watch the 1 episode special: Fate Grand Order: First Order Anime
Then if you start from Episode 0 of Babylonia, then you will have no problem Enjoying this show. Perhaps it can be your introduction to the Fate Series!

Re-Watching: If you ask me, Yes I can see myself re-watching this. I will show this to others, watch it again and again and again.
The Opening: Phantom Joke
Ending: By Eir Aoi and Millet
Are absolute BANGERS
there is even a special ending Song for Enkidu

Perfect: This was so well done that I can find no gaping problems in the narrative, characters and what not. Even if I did, they would be nitpicks as by Episode 18 I was confirmed on what I would rate this anime. Episode 18 made me forgive a great many things that were previously skimmed or rushed over.
However, it is by no means an Absolute Masterpiece. There are definitely moments (Especially after Episode 12) where the Pace is whack, the Characterization is done a bit weirdly. Furthermore there are definitely moments of Bullshet that don't make sense by the rules of the narrative.
While none of these were present in the original VN in the FGO mobile game, it is understandable that some leaps of logic had to be made in order to accommodate the anime.
At the end of the day, they are nitpicks, and this anime is an absolute journey with a huge pay off.

Conclusion: 5.5/5 -> This anime made me emotional. I shed tears on multiple accounts since that is how well the characterization was done and how epic the moments were. I found my jaw dropping and left absolutely stunned watching events unfold despite already knowing the story via the VN.
This anime is an absolute masterpiece* and it deserves your time. This showcases the best and brightest of everything the Fate series and by extension TYPE MOON has to offer.


Another Day in Crusader Kings 2

Crusader Kings at its finest

My super horny dude who has impregnated more than a Hundred Women
Wakes up one day and suddenly becomes homosexual

He then Proceeds to try to murder his Lifelong Rival and Kinslayer
he fails the murder but instead attempts to have Sex with him
the two have some intense hate sex

The Rival calls some long lost favor on my dude to make him the Chancellor, my dude accepts
Tried Demonic Possession to make the dude my Slave
Demonic Posession fails and my dude goes mad. He gets possessed, becomes a Lunatic
He proceeds to replace the previous Chancellor with a Horse: Glitterhoof
He Spends the entire treasury of the Realm to get the Horse some Shiny Armor

One day news on the Door, One of my Squeezes gave birth to a Child of Satan
My dude, being the sane man he is, Immediately legitmizes the Child!

Gets Excommunicated by the Pope, cuz thats what sane people do.
My dude goes to beg forgiveness in Rome but ends up brutally Insulting the Pope in Rome.

At the same time my dude was attempting to Seduce the Pope

The event fires and the Greviously Insulted Pope and my Dude Bang
He doesnt remove the Excommunication
Although he does end up Excommunicating my Lifelong Rival for being a Homo

The next second my Homo/Rival/Kinslaying/Lover invites me to a Cozy retreat despite being at -100 relations
Naturally my Dude accepted

My dude then decides to no longer be a homo
The Leader of the Satanist Cult asks my Dude to impregnate one of the Followers to give birth to another Demon Child, cuz I bore result once

My man does the deed but the Intercourse was so Intense he becomes Infirm
Not before witnessing the Birth of the Demon Child II

A Civil War breaks out cuz my dude is Excommunicated by the Pope (took them long enough)

As a No U moment, an Anti-Pope in Koln Germany was set up
Shockingly everyone in the realm decides to back this Pope

After quashing the rebellion, war is declared on Rome to remove the Pope and place the Anti-Pope
Italy stood alone against Francia and Germany

As a thanks, the New Pope immediately reaffirms my Excommunication

Civil Wars 2 Electric Boogalo

Managed to Quash this one too yay
Asked for Repentence again,
Thankfully the pope (after a gift of 200) was generous enough to let me off the hook

I pay a visit to my old Rival and have him Imprisoned

All is good and things are looking up

Then, my guy wakes up one day and Decides to be a Homo.



So I watched Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)


Artistic: Its a take on Sonic where they stayed true to his original design and went back to remake the movie for it. Respect. Also Dr Eggman's Character is done by Jim Carrey, Absolutely amazing Acting.

Recommended: There are a ton of nice references, Dr Eggmans Acting is amazing. He is an insanely fascinating Villain who is also easily hate-able for the purposes of the narrative, but you can understand and empathize with him to an extent. His Past and Circumstances leave a grey-scale

Rewatch: NO


NO, just NO

In Summary: Its a Kids Movie marketed towards Sonic Fans for nostalgia.
The Plot is cliched and paper thin, all the actors except Jim Carrey as DR Eggman and Sonic's Antics and comedy
Are all that is enjoyable about the movie.

It makes very little sense
Why do the USA resort to Dr Eggman so readily when everyone hates him?
How does Dr Eggman have such cutting edge technology all to himself without at-least some level of implementation in the army?
How did Sonic live for so long in the Town and only break now?
Sonic can go anywhere in the world, he is known to be able to run over water and buildings through sheer speed and is fast enough to break the sound barrier over 3 times. Why does he need the guys help to get the rings?

Don't get me started over Physics. The Laws of Physics are absolute garbage here and there is little to no consistency in it. Physics operates on a plot need basis.

They don't even explain the origin of Sonic's Power and the Rings. There is zero development of Sonic's caretaker.
In a strict narrative retrospect, Sonic receives little to no development and neither does any other character in the movie.
We only care about Sonic because we have played the games and its due to nostalgia, Kids on the other hand can watch a funny colorful cartoon do stuff: See Minions as an example.

In Short, the movie greatly fell short in delivering a good movie for Sonic.
You need to turn off your brain and just enjoy the jokes and Dr Eggman to enjoy it.
Which is the only reason I recommend it.

and because the directors were generous enough to listen to the fanbase and redesign Sonic so he does not look like the absolute mess he was before. I wouldn't even have watched the movie if that had persisted.

Image result for Old Sonic vs New Sonic

I swear, Dr Eggman's Acting by Jim Carrey cannot be understated. Here is a few clips to showcase that:

The Movie Trailer except its Eggmans Movie:

The Best scene of the Movie, Eggman doing his Evil Dance:

The Full Eggman Dance Scene but its terrible Quality:

Tell me you don't like what you see. Jim Carrey single handedly saved this film from being a Hot mess. And the fact Sonic got his redesign

Consider the following:

Original Film: 0/5
Original Film after Redesign: 2/5
Original Film without Eggman's Acting: -5/5

I won't weigh between the Redesign and Eggman's acting.
Just know that out of everything, those 2 things are the only reason this movie is redeemable.

Since this is the first time there is a negative rating, ill explain
it simply means whatever the Artistic Scale awarded a point for, this Movie does the opposite and ends up making it worse. Hence getting a negative point instead.

So there you have it
Only watch this movie if you have even the slightest gratitude for the work and effort that Jim Carrey put into this
Or if you want to show your approval to Film makers listening to the community and Fixing Sonic's Design.
Show them the result of their change via a Movie Ticket. The film is bad
But again
Sonics Redesign and Eggmans Acting are what redeemed it.
Everything else from Narrative down to Acting was downright horrifying and cringy.


So i watched 1917

Image result for 1917

1917 is a War Film Inspired by events in WW1
It is the year 1917, the Germans have seemingly retreated from the Frontlines
The 2nd Devons Division has decided to follow them hoping it will result in a rout
In reality the Germans have strategically withdrawn to The Hindenburg Line
And since most people don't know
Attacking that Line is Suicide
Ill explain later

So the story goes
Our two Protagonists are Lance Corporals who have been given the Impossible task of telling the Devons Division to stop the attack else 1,600 men will perish along with the Brother of our Protagonist
They have 24 hours, a Race against time!

So as usual: The Rating


Hell yes
I will sell you on just one thing: Cinematogrophy
(actually 2 cuz intermission for cinemas)

The camera is amazing in panning in and out and meandering along the sides. There are absolutely no cuts so you are sucked into the movie along with the Protags. You don't see anything before they do, all the Suspense and Thrill is carried in absolute Real time
It is absolutely Spellbinding
You will be glued to the Screen for 1 and a half hours
I cannot say enough about the immensely amazing quality of work put into this. An absolute Masterwork of Art

While it is no secret I have an intense Bias for Historical Films
The Artistic Prowess, the Cinematography, the Props and setting, The Actors, Atmosphere and even the Writing is on point
It is 95% Accurate to Actual History
5% is Dramatized with Fictional Characters and Event as well as the
I won't spoil it, you need to see it to believe it

Re-Watching: If you ask me, Yes I can see myself rewatching this. It spell binds you, it is captivating, it is intensely interesting. It will suck you in without a doubt. You can watch it again but it will only get better as you will start noticing other extra things peppered into the Screen. The Soldiers, Reactions, Events etc. All of the Chaos that you couldn't notice the smaller things at first glance become even more apparent. The more times you watch it, the more times it will suck you in.
This is Prime Historical Movie Thriller.


It lacks the polish and feeling you get from an absolute masterpiece.
It is absolutely shining and compelling, but when compared to an Actual Masterpiece like The Darkest Hour and The Irishmen it isn't a full blown masterpiece.
Namely because a Casual Viewer might not like what he sees, might get bored from the One Shot, might abhor the Violence and Gore (people are triggered super easily)
A plethora of Controversial Content exists here, also since its History and the movie is Directed by Allied Nations it is seen from their point of view. Not saying it doesn't take into account the German perspective, it does humanize them quite a bit, but needless to say it will be slanted in favor of the Allies.
So no, While it is no doubt perfectly executed, It lacks the feel and polish of a Masterpiece.

Conclusion: 10/10
but not a 11/10 or 6/5 since that ranked belongs to Absolute Masterpieces that go above and beyond perfection
It is the best of Cinema, go and watch it.

If you don't know History, you will Enjoy it
If you do know History, you will Love it


So I watched Fate: Lord El Melloi II Case Files

Image result for Lord el melloi case files"

Based on the Novel by Kinoko Nasu comes the Anime Adaption:
Image result for Lord el melloi case files"

It follows the story of Waver Velvet from Fate Zero (you need to watch that first) as he takes the mantle of Kayneth from Fate Zero, the master of Lancer, as Lord El Melloi II
He teaches Magecraft, Unravels Mystics, Figures out Dubious Cases using excellent detective work whilst taking Magecraft into consideration.

So before anything else, Ill drop the Rating: 4.5/5

Artistic: Quite, its Stylistic. It captures the flair of Magic in the Type Moon world spectacularly. Everything from Magecraft Rituals to Terminology. Subjects, Fields, Characters, Ranks, Hierarchy and even the Underbelly. Like for Instance Rail Zeppelin.
Type Moon has alot to do with Mystic Eyes.
There is Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai where we discuss Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. In the Fate Series there are Mystic Eyes of Petrification as well.
They are an oddity that aren't thoroughly explored. This anime brings immense light to that.
While it is character driven narrative with developing stakes and personas.
One can watch it as a Documentary of the World of Type Moon as the Lord of Modern Magecraft Theory: Lord El Melloi II explains the world as we explore it through him. While also hammering out character motivations and complications.

Plus there is another Arturia Character:
Fate Series FGO Lord El Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo Rail Zeppelin Grace Note anime girls grey hair 2D fan art school uniform thigh highs looking at viewer short hair Gray Lord El Melloi II Case FilesLady Gray, Who is the Protag of the story as well. So Definitely a Thumbs up

Recommended: Eh, I suppose. But its limited. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, as I would first ask them to watch Fate Zero, and before Fate Zero I would tell them to Watch Fate Unlimited Blade Works.
Basically this anime caters to Type Moon Fans rather than newcomers and those going in blind. You can be spoiled and you will be left confused with whats happening as well.
It has cameos to a ton of characters from the Fate Verse:
Olga Marie = Fate Grand Order
Shishigou = Fate Apocrypha
Caules = Fate Apocrypha
Luvia Engelfelt = Fate Unlimited Blade Works
Iskander = Fate Zero
Kayneth = Fate Zero
Waver Velvet = Fate Zero

So do i recommend it? Yes BUT Only because this is a deep dive into the World of Type Moon. If you are curious about what the Type Moon world is like, go ahead and watch it to sate your curiosity. But if you go in expecting to be blown away, well if you are a Type Moon fan already then yes. If you have no idea then no, dont expect much.

Re-Watching: If you ask me, Yes I can see myself rewatching this. Noticing the clues and the tiny little details in Hindsight is its own Entertainment. So Yes, I would love to see Waver expertly solve everything again and see Gray Tan at it again with her Super Weapon.
Plus its always great to get a taste of the Type Moon World. It's amazing.

Perfect: Honestly I can't say. It has certainly made an impression, but placing it among the ranks of other Perfect Works wouldn't be fair. Like this isn't the level of something like Fate Zero with its deep Philosophical Girth. Nor is it comparable to the High action and energy of Kuroko no Basket. You certainly can't think of it as a Piece of Perfection, but it is definitely up there. I cannot see any better way to delve into the World of Type Moon.

Conclusion: 4.5/5 -> A 9/10 if you may It is certainly Amazing and has merit, However it isn't that amazing to stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the 5/5 Class. Even though it is definitely head and shoulders above the 4/5 Class.


In the Memory of my Best Friend

Today, 2 Years Ago. I came home to grim news. I was in my A2s and it was already quite stressful and tough. I found my solace in playing Europa Universalis IV, DoTA and Minecraft with my best friend.
Yet today, I heard he had perished.
There was a flurry of confusion, speculation, paranoia and discord.
That day was the darkest in my life.
I had made more life changing decisions on that day than I did in my entire life, and it was the event that shaped my life.

So I shall remember it always.

22nd January 2018
My Best Friend,
whom we shall refer to as: sunnymaboi 

We were playing Europa Universalis IV at night as usual.
I was playing France and he was Castille (Spain) in the year 1444
He was hilariously bad (can't blame him, hes a beginner) despite how much I taught him.
The first mission is the Reconquista to beat Granada, which he somehow gloriously messed up.
I was prepping up to beat England in the Hundred Years War in the meantime, but I had to cut that short and go help him, however the damage was already done. He had somehow commandeered the destruction of his entire army, despite having huge numerical superiority.
He managed to get a peace deal with some land and ducats. Then the Occupation of Maine fired and my Hundred Years War kicked off once more, I wiped the floor with England.
It was at this time, sunnymaboi had the brilliant idea of invading Aragon (his neighbor) to steal some money and land. Aragon was stronger than him as of now since his blunder with Granada. He again botched that attempt as well, which forced me to declare war on Aragon and keep him from disintegrating. I cut my War with England short and made peace, and immediately went to attack Aragon to save Castille. Seeing the Spanish Weakness and being relatively unscathed from me in the Hundred Years War, England decided it was the perfect time to Invade Castille along with Portugal.
This forced me to Truce Break against England as well.
This destroyed my stability, and the toll on my economy and manpower accumulated.
To make matters worse, Burgandy decided to capitalize on my weakness and declared War on me!

Now it's  France(me) and Castille(sunnymaboi) against England, Portugal, Aragon, Burgundy and his lackeys in Barbant, Flanders and Holland

I wiped the Floor with Aragon and guided Castille to finish the War with him, while I destroyed Portugal and England.
Peace with Aragon was finally achieved and Portugal was occupied, now I marched back to Paris to defeat the Burgundian's However England was still kicking. While I was far in Paris, Sunnymaboi did something that I had never seen in all my years playing Europa.

He had somehow mishandled his army yet again, and ended up with a minuscule amount. He was real shy of taking loans, while I was swimming in them. He had 3,000 low morale troops against the English 21,000 High Morale troops!
It was in the Province of Navarra and Sunnymaboi had Mountain advantage.
Believe it or not

The English rolled 5 0's In A Row.
Dealing no damage to sunnymaboi whereas he rolled Zingers that kept on dealing damage to the English.
Being outnumbered 7 to 1 with the most pathetic odds, sunnymaboi actually defeated the English Army. Which forced a peace deal in our favor.
We took Portugal, and I defeated the Burgundian forces and dismantled them.

My country was in ruins from the intense plays, and Spain was starting to thrive. I decided to rest and call it a day. This was insane.

I had promised him we will play together when I come to visit him home (I was living abroad at the time) and asked if he wanted to play DoTA in the morning to which he agreed.

I slept, and he went out with a friend.
He came home and
had a cardiac arrest

Being seized by a Heart Attack, the House Caretaker who had gone to get him some water had arrived only to see him gone.

My Best Friend, had left this world. What seemed like  just another normal night of gaming, had a grim ending.
I found out the day after, and this news shook me.
I was in utter disbelief for the first few hours, but when it was confirmed by his family. I broke down.

For those of you who read my blog.
Appreciate your best friends,
You will never know when they will be gone.

Rest in Peace my Fraternal Twin, sunnymaboi.
We were born on the Same day. Yet you left earlier than me.


R.I.P Skyrm

For the billionth time, I was modding Skyrim.

And once again for the billionth time, Skyrim has been broken beyond repair.
The game keeps crashing in Exterior Cells.
This all happened cuz I dabbled with RLO, ELFX as well as Vivid Weathers and Obsidian.
Now its an irreparable mess.
I have decided to call it quits for now, that puts a Hamper into my Skyrim shenanigans.
However I made a note to make Journals for the Characters I play.

So I'll share them here and hopefully you will enjoy reading them

Death Mechanics.
This might pique your interest =

Your Level represents how many Lives you have, if it hits 0 then you die and suffer the Death Penalty
You start on Easy Difficulty as represented below
The Death Difficulty changes on Levels:
Easy: 1 - 9
Medium: 10 - 24
Hard: 25 - 49
Legendary: 50 Onwards

(LEGENDARY) Perma Death: You die for real

(HARD) Shrine Respawn: Respawn at the last Shrine, including Daedric Shrines, you prayed at, but lose everything in Inventory and Followers (Except for Story Essential which should be dismissed instead) along with 50% HP, SP, MP
If you RP a neutral character then the Respawn will be the temple of the Capital of the Hold where you die, and in the case of other worlds it is the last Hold you have been to be it Solstheim or Skyrim

(MEDIUM) Penalized Respawn: Respawn where you last Slept, Lose 50% HP, SP, MP and your entire Inventory

(EASY) Death’s Bounty: Respawn at the last Save but lose 50% of HP, SP and MP and all your Gold.

If you are Level 1, you have only 1 life. If you die then you reload your last save and lose 10% of ur HP MP SP
If you are Level 5 and die for the first time,
You reload your last save but now have 4/5 Lives, and take no penalties. So you can die 4 more times before the Penalty hits 

Console commands you will need:
coc <COC Code> -> Allows you to teleport
Refer to this site for COC code of your desired location

player.setav magicka/health/stamina <value> -> Allows you to manually set your HP, MP and SP

Try it out and have some fun!
It encourages you to think and Level up, and adds tension to gameplay without being frustrating.

Now for some Character Stories
These are my experiences:


Tashha Nefedes
Female Argonian Druid
True Neutral

Saved by some Nord Fishermen, Tashha Nefedes was an Argonian Girl with mysterious powers. Having Amnesia, she only remembers her name. Her weird powers with magic drew fish to her along with being an Argonian that can waterbreathe and regenerate to be an excellent hunter and bait, which turned her into a profitable asset for the fishermen. One day she attracted a Shark that went berserk, However Tashha relapsed and learnt something about her powers. She managed to down the great Shark, which earned the Fishermen a fortune. Heading back to Skyrim, their ship was possessed by the Stormcloak Navy and the Fishermen were drafted into the army. Tashha was to be casted away, but the fishermen defended her and after the Court Mage inspected her he concluded she would be a viable asset, hence inducting her into the Stormcloaks. Tassha Nefedes found her new life among the Stormcloaks, and seeked to develop her Mystical Powers.

Skills as a Druid:
Conjuration (Druid)

4E 201:
17th of the Last Seed: Sundas: So I’m a Stormcloak now, They gave me this journal and the armor and stuff, but its too stuffy so I returned it. I learnt Sunfire Restoration from the Court Mage, Ulfric wants me to go to some crypt with the Stormcloaks and find a crown of a sort. I paid a visit to the Temple of Talos to finish my vows as a Stormcloak, I aint one without them. So now then that’s out of the way, a Glowing Human appeared, calling herself an Angel. She asked me who I was and what was I doing, I told her I was a Stormcloak, people who fight for Talos, and I was heading to some Crypt full of undead. Turns out that is exactly what she wanted to hear. This Angel seems to have displeased her Aedra, she sensed Magic in me and suspected I wasn’t an ordinary person. She offered her protection (Restorative Artes) to me in exchange for letting her travel with me. I guess It doesn’t hurt to have an Immortal Divine Being on your side, so I naturally accepted her offer. Off we go to Korvanjund then. Oh and the Court Servant or Steward someone gave me a bunch of quests involving Bandits and the Undead so Ill look at them too, I hope I get rewarded for this.
So I came across a pack of Wolves, I tested my Sunfire on them and turns out this is a pretty lethal spell. I can definitely use this, and there is a Highwayman. I panicked and missed, The Angel took him out… with a Bow. Yep. I don’t know if the people can see her or not, but the Bandit clearly saw her when attacking. I guess she has to manifest to do this, my natural question was: “Where did you learn how to use a bow?” to which the Angel Replied: “This Human was a huntress, I borrowed her knowledge”. Questionable at best, but it works. However, since the Angel has now clearly manifested there is a problem. She can’t simply poof away. A bunch of Stendarrs Vigilants passed by, they warned me and the Angel both about Daedras. Apparently they can’t see the Halo and Wings on the Angel However their disgusted faces makes me think they think of me as a slaver of a sort. I promptly give the Angel the Highwayman’s stuff to make her look like a Normal Human Being so she can blend in. She thanked me, I don’t know why I was simply trying to divert suspicion. Speaking of which, communication during battles would be difficult so I asked the Angel what should I call her. She gave me the name “Angelica” talk about Original. An Angel named Angelica, I shrugged. Not my business what she calls herself, we move on towards Korvanjund.
I found an inn on the way: Nightgate Inn. It was a good test for Angelica’s disguise which checked out, nobody thinks anything of her. I got us a room at the inn, I also asked the Barkeep for the Latest News and any work he has. I got a bounty on a Bandit, There are rumors of Dragons at Helgen, The Shrine of Azura, the Face Sculptor down in Riften. After a Drink, I asked if there was any place I could learn about Mystical things. The College of Winterhold is my best bet, which Nords seem to hate I suppose Ill pay them a visit later. I turn in for the night to sleep
Angelica comes and sits at the chair across me, I do not respond. “How far are we from the Crypt?” she asks, “It’s a few hours down, we are close.”, “I see” she responded. I do not say anything.
“Tell me Argonian”, my name is Tashha but I let her go on, “You seemed to ignore most of everything except that attacked you. Why are you so single mindedly chasing this Crypt?” she asked.
“It is a requirement. A sort of payment to the Stormcloaks since I got nothing else going for me” I reply, logically.
“I see, and what will you do after the Crypt?” she asks. “Ulfric Stormcloak thinks the Crypt has a Crown. I get him that Crown, I get my debt paid off”
“From what I understand from the Girls Memories, Ulfric Stormcloak is waging a Civil War for the Throne of Skyrim”
“So he is, what of it?”
“Do you support him?”
“Ulfric hasn’t done anything for me, and neither has the Empire. I have no loyalty to them, I am simply doing what I need to do to survive”
“If you were approached with immense power, the ability to overcome any danger.” She spoke, slowly.
“Would you take it?”
“First I’ll ask, what’s the catch” I reply
She smiles for a moment: “You will need to harm innocent people, people you haven’t met or known”
“Those people haven’t done anything to me. Naturally I would refuse” I reply
“Even though it guarantees you power so you can survive?”
“I am in no pursuit of Survival. I simply want to live my life my way with no trouble to anyone else.”
“Does it not occur to you that you will trouble the Empire for supporting Ulfric” she questioned
“As far as I know, I will be troubling the dead. Which should stay dead. The Empire and the Stormcloaks have their disagreements, I do not support Ulfric nor do I support the Empire. I have a debt to the Stormcloaks that needs to be paid, and the Crown is the price.”
“If the price was an innocent?”
“That’s on Ulfric, not me.”
“Ulfric will most likely reward you if you succeed, how will you handle that?”
“Easy, I take the reward and my leave”
“You realise you are an asset to them, they won’t let you off just like that” urged Angelica
“If they threaten me, then Ill run straight to the Imperials. I am a Stormcloak asset, if they don’t treat me right then naturally I wont become their servant.”
“So you will serve the Imperials?”
“No. I will give them what they want in exchange for my Freedom. If the Empire doesn’t let me off then I suppose Im better off on my own”
Angelica thinks for a moment
“Alright, what will you do once you are free?”
“I’m not sure, Perhaps I’ll go to the College of Winter hold. Study Magic and Understand these mysterious powers of mine. Then I’ll earn a living which bothers no one and live my days in peace.”
Angelica beams: “You really are a simpleton” she says with a chuckle
“Last one I want to hear that from is an Angel”, we both share a Laugh
After a while Angelica goes quiet: “I was casted out of Atherius for questioning the Aedra”
I do not reply, “They said that it was not my place to ask questions. Only to serve. They banished me to Nirn to reflect and think about my mistakes.”
“Lucky you then” I chime in
“How is that lucky? Im so confused right now, I don’t know what to do” complained Angelica
“All Angels have to serve the Aedra no questions asked. You got thrown out for not doing so, its not like they will kill you now. You are free. Do whatever you want”
Angelica went silent
“You wouldn’t understand..” She said as she got up and left, “Good night” she said.
I got some sleep.

18th of the Last Seed: Morndas: I woke up to a Bar Fight, Angelica was watching in horror. I woke up and ordered breakfast as I went to the Bath to get myself cleaned.
As I ate my Apples with Dog Stew and cleaned myself up. Angelica joins me in the Bath house, I remembered I had paid for hers as well. Angelica gets undressed, I quietly eat my meal and clean myself up. Angelica shyly enters the water. Tip toeing first, she expected it to be cold but the Warmth sensation soon accommodated. She then sat on the bench beside me. “Barbaric” she said, I did not respond. “How could humans do that to each other, they don’t even know each other” I take a bite of my apple and reply: “That’s who we are, we need to take out our frustrations. Some do it other ways, some other and some through fists.” Angelica goes quiet.
“I do it through a swim, a bath is good I suppose but Argonians are naturally at home underwater.” I go on. “Um..” Angelica looks at me shyly, I do not look back but I can tell from the corner of my eye she is sheepish. “What’s a bath?” she asked.
I was surprised, but understandable I suppose Angels don’t know this. “When our bodies get dirty, we have to wipe them off. The best way is to wash them off with Water. We use Soap to scent it so it smells nice and the dirt comes off easy. If we don’t bathe, we get sick and die”
I can tell the last sentence put Angelica in distress, I laugh and tell her “Not immediately, its only that it allows other diseases to fester” Angelica goes quiet. “I don’t… I can’t.. Can you?” She asks sheepishly. It was at this time I finally look at her. I’ll be honest, If  was a Male then I would have lost it. True to being an Angel or maybe the Girl herself was blossoming. She looked Gorgeous. Realizing that I was staring, I coughed to myself for a moment, Angelica looked confused. “Sure, Sure I’ll clean you up. Turn around, I’ll wash your back” She nodded and turned around. Her bare back was unwrinkled and glowing, Her cute butt wiggled at the touch. I could tell Angelica was a bit sheepish about being touched, so I took it slow, scrub and scrub and I managed to do the back. Angelica went quiet, too quiet. I was getting concerned. After the back I handed the Soap Infront of her and said: “Scrub it on your Limbs and Privates, I’ll look away. Immediately she yelped and turned around, naturally I looked away because I am not a Pervert. “Its fine! Um” I swear I can imagine her Red Embarrassed face right now, but she piped down and began to bathe. I finished my meal. After a few moments of silence, she finally spoke again: “What was this thumping in my chest” she asked. “It’s called being in love” I said, laughing to myself. Angelica gave a concerned look, I collected myself and logically answered: “It’s nerve. Humans have that. When we think we are doing something wrong, or if something serious happens then our heart beat grows faster. When we feel guilt, it sags and we feel as if our heart is heavy. The Human clearly was trying to communicate Guilt to you, walking around in the buff  with someone you barely know tends to invite Embarrassment.” Angelica went quiet. Never did I thought I would lecture an Angel. “I see. You are a good person, Tassha” spoke Angelica. I don’t recall being good, but I’ll take the Compliment. After all this is a God-Like being here, having her in my good graces will be useful. I finish the bath and get dressed, “Lets head to Korvanjund” I declare as we leave.
We take the path to Korvanjund, A soldier by the name of Ralof greets me. We share our dis-ease over Undead Crypts.
So we struck, and retcon! Apparently, Angelica’s Human here was a huntress but her Nord Blood was more Fierce. Turns out she is a Natural with using Two Handed Weapons! She used an Imperial’s Halberd against him. I would ask her why Is she killing people or even helping the Stormcloaks here, but I guess she is doing what she wants to.
è Tassha Nefedes was Killed at Korvanjund by a Longsword through her Skull
Urgh What a Bad dream. Huh, wait The Wound is still there! I head to Korvanjund, looks like it wasn’t a dream. I was recursed back to where I last slept! Something is odd, although everyone says I never left, Is this what they call Memory Loss? I need to find out whats happening.
I reached Korvanjund, I remember dying here. “The Price of Life is in Gold” I remember. If I die, I get sent to a world where my actions were rectified to be done some other way. My supposed save area is whenever I sleep, at a bed in an inn or whatever the Universe considers home. This is rather odd.
I tell Angelica: “Angelica, I just died here” , “What?” she looks confused, “Is this a trick question?”. I look at her with a serious face. “No. Your face does look like you experienced Death”. She muses to herself, “I suppose I wasn’t wrong in reasoning that you are special. You seem to be favored by Lorkhan” I give a puzzled Look to that. “Whenever you die, the last time you slept at ease would be when your Soul was at rest. Lorkhan sends you back to the instance whenever you die, and corrects the world to match the events as if they had happened some other way”. It seemed difficult to believe, but I believed Angelica. She knows most about this stuff. “What about my Gold?” , Angelica looked at me “What about it?” , “I remember someone saying The Price of Life is in Gold”. Angelica’s expression turned, “Who told you that?” her tone grew serious, “I don’t know! I just heard it as I woke up!”. Angelica thought for a moment and cooled off. “They say Gold is the Tears of God’s. That is true to an extent, Gold holds the essence of Life. It is believed the more Gold you have, the Higher is your cost for Life. That doesn’t make much sense but In terms of reincarnation, I suppose it means that you lose all your gold as it is the worth you have to be recreated.” She explains. I give a sullen look, “So everytime I die, I lose all my gold?” to which Angelica gives a nod. I sigh and continue on, “Guess Ill get more somehow.”
è Tassha Nefedes was Killed at Korvanjund by an Axe in the Gut
This is ridiculous, Not only do I lose coin. I lose all my equipment, I had to steal some clothes from the Inn since I was practically naked. Sigh, atleast everything I give to Angelica remains.
I found an Amulet of Mara, Angelica gave me the look when I wore it. “What?” I asked, “You Worship Mara?” she asked intriguingly, “No, but her blessing augments Restoration, which is what I need right now.” To which Angelica smiled and said, “Sure you do” and went on ahead chuckling. Sigh.
è Tassha Nefedes was Killed at Korvanjund by an Arrow to the Face
è Tassha Nefedes was Killed at Korvanjund by a Sword to the Chest
How many times have I died? I lost count, well atleast we got to the end. We had to fight a giant Zombie Monster to get the Crown back. Ulfric lost a lot of good men and women in this, hope its worth it. Apparently Angelica knows how to lockpick as well, and she does it without an issue. Strange I say.
Highlight: I found a Weird Dragon Word that echoed into my mind, it seems I understand it. I did not mention it to Angelica though. We head back to Windhelm, it was an uneventful Journey this time. I gave the Crown to Ulfric and that the Imperials were ahead of us, he blamed Imperial Spies. Above tightening security, he also gave me an Important task. I am to deliver an Axe to the Jarl of Whiterun. It seems to be some sort of a Message. Upon questioning about my debt, Ulfric raised an eyebrow. Ulfric stated that this was simply one task not comparable to a repayment. He told me that he had just only begun to see my usefulness, so he insisted I continue my service. He will consider my debt paid once I have done equal in weight. I reminded Ulfric that if he expects me to win him the War then I expect appropriate compensation. Ulfric laughed at it and told me to not push my luck. He declared that once I have done enough to be promoted by Galmar, he will consider my debt paid. I guess I am off to Whiterun to deliver this axe for now. First me and Angelica stop at the Inn, I get some good night sleep for once. Those nightmares of me dying over and over are a rather horrifying visage.

19th of the Last Seed: Tirdas: A new day, I wake up and go take a bath. Angelica joins me and we have breakfast. She asks me how the Crown situation went, I replied with a sigh.
“Ulfric says my debt gets paid when he decides it” I say, “And when is that?’ asked Angelica. “Galmar needs to vouch for me, so a promotion”. Angelica muses, “I see.. so that means you will need to fight Imperials”. I take a drink of my ale, “Sadly, I got nothing against the Imperials but Ulfric won’t leave me alone before I get him something worthwhile.” I continue eating, Angelica looks at me sternly. “What?” I ask, “So you will be his servant?” she asked, “Pfft, no. I am simply paying my debts.” I reply. Angelica folds her arms, unconvinced, “Well what would you have me do?” I direct a question at her. “Tashha, not everyone is blessed with a good life. Maybe you should try and help people?” she urged, “And what would that get me. I am an Argonian Woman in debt, I can’t help anyone yet” I argue. “No, You can. Unlike other mortals, you don’t essentially die. Lorkhan must have given you that power for a reason. And I didn’t give you the Restorative Arts for killing others” Reasoned Angelica. I take another bite of my bread and mutter to myself: “Sigh, so that’s what this is about”. Angelica goes quiet, “I’m supposed to be some sort of a Mystical Saviour? Is that it?” I say. “I don’t know, but you have a power that nobody else has. With Power comes a Responsibility” lectured Angelica. I don’t like being lectured by a self-righteous person. Less so a Divine Being, so to disengage I drop it. “You know what fine. Have it your way, what do I do to help then?” I concede. Angelica, still a bit agitated yet surprised. It seems she doesn’t know how to handle her Victory. “Just so you know, there are worse things than dying” I remind Angelica. Angelica goes quiet and begins to muse. I bathe in peace. Afterwards when I am going through my Journals, Angelica reads some of the quests I was given here and there. “Hey, whats this?” she asks as she takes out a random request. “Oh nothing, just some request. It has a good reward so I thought I would look into it later when I want work”, “Tashha, This is terrible!” exasperated Angelica. “What?” I questioned, “Didn’t you read? There is a beast terrorizing the people. We need to stop it!” cried Angelica. “So? Beasts like that are pretty common in Skyrim I hear. Besides I got work to do” I say as I grab my stuff. “Wait!” cried Angela, “You asked me how should you help. I think this is how” Angelica declared as she held the request. I take a sigh, this Goodie Two Shoes is annoying, but essential. I can’t have random people finding about my powers, plus I need her help in learning Restoration “Fine fine, we will sort it out on the way” I resign, Angelica with a Smug Look marches on clearly enjoying a Victory.
So the place we have to go to is East of Windhelm at Refugees Rest. There seems to be a beast terrorizing travelers that we have to take out.
AAAARRRGGHHH OH MY GAWD MY EYES. THEY BURN!!!! It seems I had too much of a drink, now the piercing sun is hurting my eyes. I feel dizzy urgh.
On the way we found a Bandit Camp, I do not want any trouble with these guys. I can’t let Angelica know they are Bandits, so I quickly sprint on ahead from the side so she doesn’t ask questions.
So we reached the location, there was a dead guy whose name is Huron. He had a note saying he had been hiding  here for: WHAT… 11 years. Hide and Seek. People are sure weird.
The Beast problem wasn’t anything, just some dumb wolves. Well Easy money for me I guess. Problem is, Angelica got real pumped from this. She insists we do more quests to help people. I remind her I have a debt, but we will try to do what we can along the way, as long as she follows my lead. All is good for now.
And Angelica realised there was a Bandit Camp and jumped straight into it, sigh. Unbelievable, I decided to sit and wat- Are you serious. This Angel can’t even handle herself. Apparently her good looks charmed the Men, who instead of killing her grabbed and pinned her to the ground, I guess I need to intervene before they decide to do anything questionable.
è Tassha Nefedes was Killed at Refugees Rest by a Fireball to the face
…. I resurrected, back at Candlehearth Inn. Angelica sit across me, I stare at her in contempt. “Sorry” she apologized meekly. “Next time you decide to play hero, know your capability. If I hadn’t interceded who knows what they would have done.” I shot back. “… Sorry.” She said, I sighed. “So. What happened?” I ask. “Well apparently I arrived here last night with you knocked out. We apparently had a room booked, and here we are now” Explained Angelica. I stopped for a moment, “Wait. You remember?” I asked. “I remember I was rushing to bandits, then I got hit by a big brute whose friends then pinned me on the ground. Then you arrived and fought them but they fired a fireball to your face, then a bright light and suddenly I’m here” explained Angelica. “How convenient.” I remark. I get up and head to the Palace of Kings for my bounty reward.
I got 200 Septims, I guess its good enough. I went ahead and sold our loot at the marketplace and learnt some new spells from the Court Mage. I paid a visit to the notice board, which turned out to be a mistake. Angelica insisted on taking all the quests, I told her that not every one is in danger, This is a Jobs Post we get paid. Angelica pouted and took out a Citizen Rescue mission, Sigh. This Goodie here really is skewing my priorities. Angelica wandered off to the Gray Quarter, not good. She saw how poor and miserable everyone was and looked to me. “Hey, quit it. I am not some mystical savior, it is none of my business how people live here.”
Once we leave, Angelica points out a Bandit camp at Camp Arcius. My initial response was as usual: “So? Someone else can take care of that too”, to which Angelica crosses her arms and says: “And how many people will be robbed by them until its taken care of?” to which I scoff but then finally give in. This is annoying.
Well, that was one tough battle. We managed to defeat the Bandit Camp, The Summon Familiar Spell was incredibly handy. Also I found Robes! Enchanted Mage Robes! Finally something to help with my magic. After we disposed off the Bandit, I realised the Bounty was under Dawnstar. Not Windhelm, sigh I will need to head to Dawnstar to collect the Bounty. On the way I realised that we can cut from the North and head to Whiterun from Korvanjund! It gives me a way to bypass all those quests Angelica wants to do.
We reach Korvanjund in the night, when we were suddenly ambushed by Bandits. No visibility, I threw down a wolf but someone slashed me, I healed myself and ran but got hit by multiple fireballs. Can’t believe this
è Tassha Nefedes was Killed at Korvanjund by a Fireball
… This inn again, I am having nightmares. Right after I got some decent equipment, I get killed again. Sigh. I put on some clothes Angelica had and we continue onwards to Whiterun. Except.. Angelica wasn’t showing up. Alone, Naked and Afraid I began to Panic. That is when I recall, Angelica gave me a spell to summon her when we first met. To think I would use this, thanks to my Conjuration Skills now I can. I tried casting it…. It didn’t work. So I guess Im stuck here. I slid into the Bath house and asked the Inn keeper for no disturbance. Alone with my thoughts I began to think about life now.
Angelica had helped me a lot, it felt weird she wasn’t around anymore. The thought was haunting. I recalled our adventures and her yapping. I began to cry, when suddenly Angelica appears! She was stunned for a moment, “Are you.. Crying?” she asked. Realizing what happened, I brushed my tears off and said “No! of course not! Where were you!” I asked Angrily, “Gathering Books…” said Angelica. “You really liked Books, so while you rested I was collecting them.”. I grew silent. I had taken Angelica for granted. I silently bathed as Angelica joined me.

è Tassha Nefedes was Killed by an Assassin (The game broke beyond repair)


Sofiella Ironborn
Female Nord Knight
Lawful Good

Background: Sofiella Ironborn or rather Sofiella Crow, daughter to the Famous Blacksmith of the Crow Lineage. Her family was the Model Smithing Enterprise during the Great War. After the War, her Smithing family was put under covert work of the Imperial Court, hence they could not be paid a lot so to avoid suspicion. This splintered the great house as the sons and daughters went their own ways to make a life for themselves. Amongst them was the Lady Sofiella who took the name: Ironborn which corresponded to the previous name her finally had before settling in the Imperial City. A Knight serving the Imperial Army, in return for the services of the Crows, the Emperor granted them all a small fief. Sofiella was personally invited by her dear friend High King Torygg to live in Solitude at Proud spire Manor. He intended to also grant her Nobility, but Ulfric-Stormcloak murdered him. Enraged on arrival, Sofiella pledged her sword to Lady Elisif and got to work with General Tulius to quash the Stormcloak Rebellion and bring Skyrim under Imperial rule once more.
Death: Died fighting Potema Cultists at Wolfskull Cave Level 13

Skills as a Knight:
Two Handed
Heavy Armor
Smithing (Comes from a Smithing Family)

4E 201:
17th of the Last Seed: Sundas:

General Tulius and Legate Rikke were discussing the matter of a certain Jagged Crown. Now that Ulfric has escaped, he is looking to increase his power. The Jagged Crown was an Ancient Nord Crown that grants one some authority in the absence of a moot. I have been tasked to go help the Forward Legion to secure it, with the Crown we will cut off Ulfric’s growth and gain more allies to the Imperial side.
I went to pick up my armor when I saw Roggvir’s execution, The Guard who let Ulfric free. I’ll be honest, while he did do the wrong thing of letting Ulfric go he still did what he believed to be right. It’s a shame, but if he isn’t made an example of, we will have an uprising on our hands if this boils over.
I accepted the noticeboard quests for whatever is going around here, I need to be helping people especially In these trying times. I met Taerie from the Radiant Raiment, I was headed towards the Blue Palace to meet Lady Elisif, she offered me a free Fabric Fine Linen in exchange for promoting the brand to Lady Elisif. I didn’t object, it was fine quality after all. I wore presentable and met Lady Elisif.
There was a Villager from Dragon Bridge who complained about strange noises and disappearances. Lady Elisif promised to increase Security, as expected of her grace. Falk and the Court Mage handled further matters. I presented myself to Lady Elisif
“Lady Elisif, I am Sofiella Ironborn. A dear friend of the late High King Torygg, I am from House Crow. I am here to pledge myself to you”
Lady Elisif looked happy yet concerned: “You may rise Sofiella, but tell me what business do you have here”
I respond promptly: “What else, I have come here to right the wrongdoing done to Torygg to which I gave the Imperials my support”
Lady Elisif looked unamused, “Is that all?”
I calm myself and reply: “Ofcourse, I am also here to give my aid to Solitude. It’s people, Torygg and it’s Jarl”
Lady Elisif smiled, but a nudge from the Court Mage had her collect herself, “I appreciate your sentiments and your help, but there is one thing I must ask.” Elisif grew more serious, “Do you pledge your Sword to the Legion, or me?”
I close my eyes and briefly chuckle, “Milady, I had to take the oath of serving the Empire ever since I was a babe. An oath inscribed upon me like a Geass. However, as of now” I clench my lips a bit, “With all my body and soul, I swear to you. I pledge my allegiance to Solitude. In Torygg’s Honor, to his Precious.”
With that, Lady Elisif looked delighted and looked as if she would burst into tears any second. “Your eminence…” spoke the Court Mage, but Elisif got up from her Throne and walked down over to me. I took the knee and she raised her hand towards me.
I took her hand and gave it a brief kiss. “Rise, Sofiella Ironborn” she ordained. I did so. To which Elisif proclaimed loudly, “Let it be known, Sofiella Ironborn has pledged her Allegiance to me and my late husband. If anyone strikes at her, they strike at me.” After which there is a cheer in the crowd in my name. Elisif looks at me intently, “Sofie, I need your help. Help me help the people of Solitude and Haafinger.”, I smile and respond: “I will do all in my power”. Elisif smiles and turns to return to her throne. “Help the people, enough so they can vouch for you. Do that and I shall name you my Thane” said Elisif as she parted. I got up and took my leave.
On the way to the Inn, I met a most peculiar Lady who was staring at me. I walked up to her and asked if everything was alright. “Oh, everything is quite alright my dear.” She said as she walked past me, and then suddenly disappeared. I asked the guard and the guard doesn’t seem to have seen anything. Very Odd, for some reason I get the feeling I know her. “Lady Kathryn” a named popped into my head. I proceed to the inn and find a disgusting poster of an enslaved Wench. I destroy it immediately, the Innkeeper tells me someone put that up and warmed me if anyone tears it down they will face grave consequences. It is my duty to help the people of Solitude, I won’t let such a travesty take place on my watch. I ask for the Rumors from the Inn keep, he tells me off whats happening in Solitude. There is an Shady Argonain named Jaree-Ra, I met him too. It seems he is up to something shady. The bards college is hiring, there is a Shrine of Azura in Winterhold, there is a Face Sculptor in Riften. He even mentioned the begger roaming solitude for his master, it seems he is not from around here. I also ask about the war and what not and he reveals that something big is happening in Helgen. I better investigate that as well. As I am taking my meal and drink, a wench by the name of Rina walks up to me and in a Sultry Voice asks me if I want to come in the back. I give her a stiff look, but she winks at me and makes a slicing charade of her throat. Quite odd, “Is there a problem?” I ask firmly. “Oh no no no, just that if you were interested in wenches..”, I raised an eyebrow. She walked away towards the presumed corner. I got up and followed her into the basement. She revealed her name was Rina then. “So you took down that wench poster” she said, “So I did” I replied. “Do you know what you are getting into?” implored Rina, “Doesn’t matter, I am here to help” I reply sternly. Rina takes a deep breath. “You look honest, I suppose I can trust you. I am Rina, a Wench. I was one of the survivors, my other friends were kidnapped and trafficked as Wench Merchandise. As you saw on the Poster. I need your help to save them” I immediately caught on, “What can I do to help” I ask. Rina pointed me to some locations in Skyrim where her friends might be held. I resolved to investigate and bring them to safety.
I met a Drunk Sailor by the name of Darion. I talked to him and it seems he is a ship captain here relaxing in Solitude. He was looking for something, he gave me some strange remarks but I shot them down. I agreed to help him but in exchange I wanted his help. He did not make any promises, I will see how this goes. He mentioned that he was looking for a treasure, and that it was hidden out near the solitude light house. That sounds similar to what Jaree Ra was talking about, but Darion doesn’t look like a Scoundrel. I agree to check out up north, but he needs to help me with a Bandit Camp. We agree and set out.
Shouldn’t have left at Dusk, visibility is low. We reach the Solitude Lighthouse, but there seems to be a Ship here. “The Dainty Sload” whispered Darion, as he drew his weapons “Look out!” he said as he pushed me to the side, the ground beneath me quaked as smoke rose. A smoke bomb! 3 Mercenaries charge at us, 2 human and one… Giant? No its “PAHMAR!, COME HERE YOU!” charged Darion. It was a close battle, Darion and I had a close call but we made it. After slaying the giant of a man, Darion limped over and kicked it. “Damned Furries, they are a tough one. The Pahmar are tough Khajit Warriors that now serve as Mercenaries after the Dominion subjugated Elswyer”, I don’t recall ever seeing one in my service, anyhow. “This ship looks like bad news, I think we should clear it” I suggest, Darion cracks his Knuckles, “Fine by me, we will get some sweet loot and it might be where my treasure is” He smiles with anticipation.
We clear out the ship, no Pahmar over here but there were some Corsairs that me and Darion took care of swiftly. We scoured the ship for any trace of his treasure to no avail, “Sigh, atleast we got some loot we can sell” he reckoned. I decided that this place would make for a good Base of Operations for us, Darion is a ship captain, he had no Qualms about owning a second ship except that we needed a dedicated crew for it lest bandits come back to infest it once more. I concur, and leave that a note for future notice. For now we rest here for the time being, it is best we leave for the search at dawn when there is light.

18th of the Last Seed: Morndas:
Interestingly, looks like there was a ring on the First Mate that Glows when worn. It makes for an interesting bauble, but especially effective at night. So we found Darion’s Treasure Chest, and it had his Captains Log in it. I confronted him with it and he admitted to having lost it. He was thankful and offered me something in compensation, Naturally I asked to split the loot fifty as fair. He conceded and gave me his Sword for keeping or Selling. He also told me he intends to do his end of the bargain with the bandit camp but his ship isn’t going anywhere so He was interested in being my travelling Partner. I could use his help in my Travels, I happily enlisted Darion’s Aid. We head up North to the Bandit Camp.
We reached Broken Oar Grotto, a Messy Affair. I swear, being outnumbered ten to one is a really bad premise. I had more near-death experiences than I would have liked, What is with Skyrim and so many bandits! It is impossible to not be outnumbered. Thankfully I managed to get my hands on explosives, they are amazing. I wish the Imperial Army had more Explosive Companies but the Tribunal and the Mage Aristocracy discredit it in favor of Destruction Magic always. Well it is pretty handy. Anyhow, we killed the Bandit Chief and cleared the Camp. A shocking site came to pass when I saw their Captive. A Beautiful Young Girl, she looked so terrified and helpless. I took off her blindfold, she was… scarcely covered. Chained up like an animal, I asked her for her name and that everything was going to be ok. Her name is Delilah, and her friends were all brutally violated and then killed, she was the last one and they were planning another raid to bring more. Looks like we made it just in time. I plan to return to Solitude and bring Delilah to safety before I can ask her any more questions regarding this Trafficking Racket.
So we made it back to the Winking Skeever in Solitude, Delilah managed to get a Job as a Tavern Maid and has made her self right at home. She sat down and explained to me about the Bandit Wench Trafficking Racket in Skyrim and how profitable it is during the Civil War. It is far too expensive for any singular person to buy them all off, and shortage in Manpower makes them excellent for enterprising entrepreneurs and Bandits alike. She mentioned a Person named Yuriana who was planning a way to break this up, she says that I should go to her and help. For now me and Dorian rest, and I plan to sell off the Loot we got on our adventure. I will need to head to Korvanjund as well now.

It was a Stormy night, Thunder roared outside and Rain poured down as if the Heavens themselves cried. I lay on my bed, in my red lingerie, deep in thought. About my decision to come to Skyrim, about the Stormcloak Rebellion, Torygg, Lady Elisif, and Delilah. Oh Delilah, how she must have suffered for God knows how long being tied up like a creature. I recalled fighting some scantly clad bandits as well, they seemed as if out of their minds when they were charging my sword. Or perhaps was that their only escape? Were they Wenches they had violated to such an extent their mind had broken and they became enslaved to the Bandits will? To think someone as Gorgeous as Delilah would have to face that. I grew worried, she said there were more like her, I need to save them. Then it suddenly hit me, what then? So what if I save them, will they really be able to live life normally after that? My thoughts turned to Delilah, she was taken in as a Barmaid here, but Nord men are quite imposing, who knows what they might do to her when they see her…. I got lost for a moment, when I slowly mouthed “Breasts”. What of her traumatic experiences as well, will she ever be fine knowing the touch of a man again? I began to worry and couldn’t sleep. Then In the corner of the darkness, I heard the door creak open. A silhouette toed in and closed the door behind them, I remained still. I tuck one of my hands beneath my pillow, ready to hit at the supposed intruder and make a break for my Sword placed arched by the wall. I hear the floorboards creak, tip top tip top tip when finally, I felt a presence. With the crack of Thunder, I rose suddenly and slapped the Pillow onto the Assailant’s face and pushed them down towards the bed and began to try to suffocate them. Suddenly, it occurred to me. The Woman was in bar clothes, and had enormous….. wait. I stopped for a moment, “Delilah?” I asked as I removed the pillow. As I saw her face illuminate under the moonlight, I realised she was going to scream as soon as I did but my motion had started. To avoid a ruckus, I collapsed onto her and tried to shush her with my mouth…….
What? It lasted for Zenithar knows how Long, but after a while the Panicking body quickly conceded into a relaxed posture. I raised myself up, and found myself on top of “Delilah?” I say again. Her face, unblemished and unwrinkled. Her gorgeous eyes looked back at me in Serendipity, a faint blush across her cheeks. When I realised the situation I immediately got up and to the side, “Oh my I am so sor-“ before I could complete my sentence, Delilah grabbed onto me and held tightly to me on the bed. She burrowed her face into my chest. Confused for a moment, I did not respond, after a moment I felt her head quivering and heard her murmuring. She was like a defenseless child, it was at this moment I realised that she was indeed terrified. The haunting memories of her time, she wanted to wipe it all away by hoping to be a Barmaid again, but that doesn’t seem to be so. I wrap my arms around her and embrace her, hushing her in the ear and rubbing her back. Her murmurs began to become more and more coherent, when she finally resurfaced from my chest saying: “Thank you”, tears flowed from her eyes down her cheeks and a relieving smile curled across her face. “They were doing so many things to me.. Terrible things.. I don’t know if I would have lasted any longer if you hadn’t saved me, but I can’t even go back to normal now. They took everything from me, I can never be useful, I can never by anyone, I can-“ as she was ranting, I took her into my embrace once more and rubbed the back of her head as I shushed her. “Don’t say that, you are alive, you didn’t break, you are still you Delilah. You are here with me now, and nothing can change that, Alright?” I cooed to her. She cried for a bit in my arms, before finally stopping. “You are so warm, and soft..” she said as she receded. “I haven’t felt that in so long. The crude, brutish and violent touch of a man.. It frightens me. Corpulus said if I cannot handle the men, then I have no place here.” She said as she looked more and more depressed, “Delilah.” I said as I gave her a kiss on the forehead. “Everything is going to be alright” I said in an attempt to make her more relaxed. A thankful smile curled on her face as she hugged me. After holding the hug for a moment, she receded and I still held her in my embrace. It was at this moment when I realised, I had been holding her in my Lingerie all this time, and the fact I had accidently kissed her to prevent her from screaming. A jolt of embarrassment struck me as I looked away abashed, but it seems Delilah was well aware of it and cupped my face in her hands. “I really liked that.” She said, locking eyes with me. I was confused, and had no time to think before Delilah’s face grew closer and, she locked her lips with mine. After a few seconds, she embraced me. I was kissing her, and she kissed me affectionately. After a while, we parted. That is when she pushed me down on the bed and straddled my Thighs with both legs, she had already taken off her skirt and panties and tossed them off the bed. “I want you so bad” she said, in a moaning voice as she took off her Dress. Revealing her voluptuously vast Breasts, she lowered over me and kissed me on the lips passionately while she dug her hands behind me. She undid my Lingerie with her slender fingers and caressed my back as she moved down and began to nibble on my nipple. A Bolt of Virulent Sensations struck me as the erotica developed. She pulled over to the side and slid her finger down to my Pussy and began to rub it, before I knew she had pumped her finger in it and had dug her tongue into my mouth. She pulled me closer as my Breasts pressed against hers. The intensity of her fingers and mouth along with her breasts built up until I felt something burst forth. Muffled Moans of Pleasure escaped my mouth as Delilah kissed me adamantly, not letting a squeak out. Afterwards, we lay on the bed. Naked and Holding each other in our arms, kissing. After a while, Delilah whispered into my ear: “Your turn now” she said as she began to get up and scoot over my head. She sat down while I went down on her, she got down and began to go down on me, after a while it became a competition on who comes first. The sensation built up and the heat caught up, neither of us refusing to go out first. The situation got so intense we sunk our faces into each other’s tush, when we both climaxed at the same time. I drunk up Delilah’s Juices as she savored mine. She then shimmied up and we held each other once more, spooning one another as we kissed and eventually fell asleep.

19th of the Last Seed: Tirdas:
The Next morning, I woke, Delilah was still sleeping next to me. She purred like a cat, I covered her up with my Blanket after which I took a Bath and Got Dressed. As I was about to leave for Breakfast, Delilah woke up and greeted me with a hearty smile.
“Morning Delilah” I spoke, “You slept well” to which she responded with a grin. “Last night was amazing.” remarked Delilah. My smile faded “I’m glad. Now get dressed and start packing.” I said as I left the room leaving Delilah confused.
I had breakfast and spoke to Corpulus over the counter, he said he was thinking of talking to me but didn’t know me that well but was glad I did. He happily dismissed Delilah from service; Delilah was elated to join me as a Travel Companion. Darion, unaware of everything that transpired, took hits on her but she sheepishly avoided him. I warned Darion not to overwhelm her, which makes him feel bad every time.
“You two are quite close” remarked Darion, to which Delilah responded “Oh. Quite” whilst blushing. Darion raised an eyebrow, “Get your stuff ready Darion, we are leaving” I walk in. “Aw, not without my drink we aren’t!” declared Darion. I scowl at him, to which his bravado faded “Alright, I’ll go get ready” he said as he walked away in defeat. Delilah looks at me smiling, “Delilah” I begin to speak “Not a word about last night” I said with a serious expression. Zenithar forgive me, I had lost control of myself last night and I don’t want Delilah to get the wrong idea. Delilah’s face grew saddened, “What? But I thought we” she began to plead, I walk up and put my arm around her should as I closed in to whisper “Not a word” I whispered once more looking her in the eye. Delilah stopped speaking and receded into a downcast gaze. “Nobody can know, do I make myself clear?” I said, to which she nodded. I let go off her and walk away. “Although, It was pretty fun” I said as I walked away, Delilah regenerated into a Happy smile as she caught up to me.
We head out towards Wolfskull Cave to investigate some supernatural occurrences, that and some bandit camps along the way. Halfway through Delilah says she doesn’t have a weapon on her. I sigh while Darion laughs, “Don’t worry Miss, I’ll protect you!” he says in a boisterous manner. “Good, you stick with Delilah and provide me support” I interject, Darion looks at me “Aah Clever Lass. Fine then”
Shortly later, I get held up by Highwaymen. Its just two: A Male Khajit and a Girl, she sounds awfully nervous. I decide to Intimidate her apparent lack of confidence. To my surprise, she hit a full 180 and backed down whilst apologizing. “I’m sorry I’m sorry! The Other Wizards made me do it! They want me to shake down travelers for supplies. Please don’t kill me!” she cried. I asked the girl who she was and what she was talking about. The girl’s name is Maseline and the Khajit is R’Dar-Jo, and she says she was with some “Cultists” to which I raised an eyebrow. She was told to shake down any travelers nearby and bring them supplies otherwise they would kill her friends. I asked her where they are, and she pointed towards Wolfskull Cave. I told her to get to the city and stop associating with them, so far, she hasn’t done anything wrong so I am sure she will be fine. This just got interesting.
“Looks like there is something going on in there” said Darion, “Indeed, be on your guard you too” I say. The two nod and we proceed.
We engage two Skeletons at the entrance of the cave, we dispatch them quickly. “Undead…” said Delilah uncomfortably, “I don’t like this.”. One off the Skeletons had a Battle Axe, I kick it up and give it to Delilah “Make camp and stand guard. Incase some of the other Cultists come in, and to warn travelers. Me and Darion will take care of this” I tell Delilah. Delilah nods and Darion gives me the Thumbs up, “Lets go mangle with some Cultists then!” he says gleely. We descend into Wolfskull cave.
Its dark, we take torches, so we walk slowly into the cave. Suddenly in the distance, I sighted a Draugr. I give Darion a Heads up as I take out my Sword and Charge at it. It was alone and went down quick. We proceed.

è Sofiella died by being shot in the face in broad daylight (Game broke beyond repair)


Female Redguard Paladin
Lawful Neutral
Level: 4 ; Life: 4


Heavy Armor

Start: Sacred Site = Statue to Meridia

A young girl who grew up in Hammerfell. Her family moved to Skyrim to seek better fortune as times in their homeland were troubling. Upon reaching Skyrim they were attacked by bandits, but while the girls Father fought off the mother ran off with her and hid in a nearby Crypt. Night fell and the dead became restless, the Girls father returned. He was heavily injured so her mother got to tending his wounds, after a while another party entered the crypt. The father had the mother and daughter hide. It seemed to be a coven of necromancers who had decided to settle into this crypt for their research, and a tough Redguard at deaths door provided an opportunity. They knocked him out and took him, after subjecting him to horrific treatment they killed him. The mother, enraged, lashed out at them with a ceremonial dagger killing quite some of them as she had the element of surprise, but the Necromancers, desperate, reanimated the father. The mother who could scarce believe it was stunned for a moment, which gave the necromancers enough time to tackle and hold her down. The Girl watched in horror as her own father (reanimated) killed her mother. Fortunately, a group of warriors brandishing light raided the crypt the same night. They had found the remains of the Girl’s Caravan and suspected the nearby Crypt to harbor outlaws of the unsavory kind. Their hunch was correct and they assaulted and defeated the Necromancers. These gracious warriors were unlike the vile Necromancers as they spoke rites to the dead and buried the Girls parents. The Girl decided to come out of hiding at that point. The Warriors took pity on her and so took her with them. They explained they were former Vigilants of Stendarr but had left the order due to the Politics and their tunnel vision bias on Daedra which led them to neglect the undead and vampires. Min’Ur-Va took a liking to them and joined them, they raised her as one of them. As time went on, some of them died while others grew old and tired. They weren’t the sort to start their own order and didn’t want to be sell swords, the Leader of the Band told Min’Ur-Va to head to the Shrine of Meridia. She had a vision that told her to send Min’Ur-Va to her.
Being an Independent Paladin, sworn to destroy the undead, Min’Ur-Va began her Quest.

1-    Frost Troll at Steepfall Burrow
2-    Frost Wolf at Steepfall Burrow
3-    Bandit Chief at Camp

17th of the Heartfire Sundas:
I can’t believe this. After all the trouble I went through to get to this Statue of Meridia. Nothing happened. Perhaps the Leader was mistaken.. No, maybe It is not yet my time. I suppose I’ll go to Solitude and get some work, there are always undead and bandits that need to be dealt with, plus I can earn some coin. Good will doesn’t feed an empty stomach
I reached Solitude to find a gate guard being executed for opening the gate for Ulfric Stormcloak after he murdered the High King. Poor sod should have done his job right. Look where his ‘Ancient Nord Traditions’ got him, at the chopping block. Anyhow I met two Mercenaries gawking over the Noticeboard.
“You heading out?” I asked them, they look over to me. “Indeed, we got a contract for a bandit camp” replied the female Red guard. My race isn’t trusted here, but there is some trust between us. I nod, “How about I join you?” I float. The mercenary muses for a second, “We could use some extra help, but we can’t promise you anything since the Contract is ours.” Offered the Mercenary. I really don’t have much going for me, and there is loot to be found as well as safety in numbers. I agree to the offer, “Very well”, to which the Mercenary forwards their hand. I shake to it, “The names  Alexia, he’s Alveleg” spoke the Mercenary to which I replied “Minerva”. There was an unspoken understanding that our names were our Business names, sell swords and the like don’t divulge their real names in this line of work. I head over to the general store to sell some of my extra baggage, I spotted a peculiar book regarding Wild Healing Magic. The Shop keep said it was gathering dust in the attic, so she was willing to sell it to me for a price. I coughed up 200 septims and got the book, this will prove useful especially with allies.
I visited the Blue Palace before heading out, Lady Elisif looked. ‘sick’ perhaps she is still mourning the death of her husband. I decided to talk to Falk Firebeard who briefed me about possible undead in Wolfskull Cave. I discussed this with Alexia and mentioned that Falk will reward generously for investigating, perhaps it is nothing. Alexia muses and decides to come along, we head out.
We reach Wolfskull Cave to be attacked by 2 undead, we quickly dispatch them. Alexia has a bad feeling about this hence refuses to get involved with this. I’m afraid I will have to leave this for now, I am ill equipped and don’t have enough firepower. The Last thing I need to do is to provide the damned necromancers with another corpse to play with.

17th of the Heartfire: Morndas:
During our travels, suddenly we were attacked by Lightning! I took cover and traced the source to a Storm Mage. It seems we had disturbed something, fortunately it was only one. The Storm Mage didn’t seem too accustomed to Combat as I managed to dodge and meander around her whilst she kept missing her attacks and wasted her mana. My restoration skills proved quite useful as I managed to out flank her enough so Alvleg could get in close enough and take his time to land a shot. One shot hit the shoulder which he was clearly aiming at the head for, by the second one in the chest did her in. That’s the thing with mages, their lack of armor makes them an easy target for Archers. Upon investigating what she was doing, I found a shallow grave. I Dug up to find an ancient corpse. It had some mysterious armor on it and some spell tomes, mystical. The Mercs were looting the mage so they don’t know. I decide to wrap up what I found and take it with me. This was quite bountiful.
We found the bandit camp, they picked a good spot up on the hills. The high ground gives their archers an edge against armed escorts, giving them absolute dominance over this area. Fortunately there was heavy snow today so we managed to slip under the view of the sentry. I managed to get in and scout out the place, I found the chief and what appears to be an army of Bandits!
I tried backing away slowly but I slipped which gave away my position to the Sentry. It was 3 against 10, or 20 or maybe even 30 who knows. The snow and trees provided us cover and Alvleg picked off a sentry or two. I was looking for an opportunity to retreat when I looked up and couldn’t believe my eyes.
It was the bandit chief. No doubt, that’s her. With her bravado she was taunting us. Alexia hit her back with some of her own insults which seem to do the trick as she slid down the hills and charged at them. She had a lightning bolt spell which she fired first, it was a warning to Alvleg no doubt. However, the Chief’s Hubris would be her undoing. She hadn’t noticed me, so I swung my sword right as she passed by me and I buried it into her back. However, her battle instinct was keen as she saw me from the corner of her eye and managed to parry a short bit. My blade had slashed her arm pretty bad, but she stood. Alvleg and Alexia tried to come out but the Archers up top kept them pinned. I was at the bottom of the hill so the Archers couldn’t get a clean shot and worse they might shoot the Chief. So now it was me and the Chief in a somewhat chaotic duel to the death. She fired a lightning bolt at me, I duck to the side and step forward with a thrust. The Chief parried my Attack and returned with a Counter-Cut. I twisted myself and met the Strike but she had fooled me. With a twist of her wrist, she redirected her attack to Slash me across the chest on my exposed side. I took a lot of damage, but the boss licked the blood off from her blade. I gripped my sword tightly and enter into my poise. Just as how the Leader taught me, I pointed it straight and rested my chin on the back of my palm as I held the sword upright. The Chief was somewhat amused, it seems she doesn’t recognize my stance. The Chief charged once more with a thrust, this time I held my ground and looked her dead in the eye. Patience is key, as I see her move into the extend I take a brief step forward and then duck to the right as I meandered my Sword to my left. I evaded her attack and my sword was in the trajectory of her legs. She responded with twisting her wrist and parrying my sword. I expected this. She parries while in motion with unstable footing and a twisted wrist, I turn it around by slashing from the outside towards her back. The Chief is no amateur, she quickly sensed that and through a feat of acrobatics jumped into a backflip. However, this was it for her now. I had always been taught not to let my swing run wild, thus I was able to stop my Sword mid Swing. The Chief’s intuition told her that my swing would circle back and hit her in the back. What she didn’t know was I could stop it. I faced towards her and regained my Poise. By the time the Chief had landed from her Backflip, I was in position and thrusted her. In a final act of defiance, the Chief immediately swung her Sword Upwards towards me. If It were a normal thrust, It would endanger my eyes as she could let go off the swords, but I was doing a controlled thrust. So I saw right through her and stopped just before her Swing and managed to pivot around safely. I dug my sword right into her back and  She feel to the ground, I kicked her up and had a good look at her face. Definitely the Boss, her Bravado faded as she realised what had happened. I drove my sword through her neck, ending her. One of the Bandits Captains charged at us in fury but Alvleg shot him down. I quickly carried off the bodies to safety so we can loot them. The rest of the Bandits broke rank after seeing the boss die. While the contract would assume we would have to kill all the bandits to kill their chief, we got lucky. The Mercs cover my escape as I drag the bodies to safety.
We reached back safely and I split the loot with Alexia. She gives her farewell and hopes we might work again someday. I sell the excess and present myself to Lady Elisif, she applauds my efforts on Wolfskull Cave and the Bandit Situation. She calls me privately along with her Court Mage and Advisor, Falk, and we discuss the Wolfskull Cave Situation. I confirmed the presence of Cultists and that they are responsible for attacks and abductions on the road. Elisif wants them rounded up, Falk says they lack resources as of now and the Court Mage downplays the importance of the Cultists, saying that they must be a bunch of amateurs dabbling in the dark and are not worth our time. Elisif dismisses them, she asks me to do what I can about the Cave and that she will be in my debt for helping Solitude.
Now a debt of a Jarl is huge so I tell her “I’ll see what I can do Milady” to which she smiles and nods. I take my leave. I need to get resources and assemble a team for Wolf skull Cave.
As I am heading out, I hear a chuckle from my side: “In your debt hm?” said a feminine voice. I look to the side, my fingers itch towards my sword, to see a rather well-dressed noble sitting. “It seems you have been entrusted with a mission.” She continues. I give her an aggressive stare but she holds eye contact with a grin, fearless, “Don’t get me wrong, I mean you no harm. But, I myself might have a need for a strong favor. I command quite a fearsome Arsenal” she explains. I turn to her and give her and stare at her quizzically to which she chuckles once more and continues: “You shall address me as Lady Kathryn. I possess a rather unique set of skills involving the dead. I believe you will find my assistance most invaluable”. I was suspicious, but now I am certain. I scowl at her at the mention of the dead. “I don’t work with necromancers. If I meet you out in the wild, I will see you dead” I declared and walked away. She sighed, “Suit yourself, but it would be wise for you to avoid threatening me” warned the Necromancer.
I head to the tavern for a stiff drink and bed. I meet a Sailor by the name of Darion who offered to buy me a drink, I accept it with suspicion. He jokes on how I might be taken advantage if I am not careful, which I throw back at him. He and I then talk about his adventures as a Sailor, he says he is staying around here because he is looking for a treasure. I opt to join him in as he has been on sea for most of the time, and I have been on land. He isn’t keen on sharing, so I decided to trade favors instead. He helps me out with a bunch of bandit camps and I will help him find his treasure. The deal is struck and we drink to it, we shall depart in the morning.
18th of Heartfire: Tirdas:
Me and Darion set out towards the Solitude lighthouse in search of the treasure in the wee hours of the morning.

è Assassinated in her Sleep (Basically the Game broke beyond repair)
