Sorry for the insanely huge time in between updates. Ever since the COVID Crsis sprung up, Everyone including Myself were caught up in a huge mess.
Academics went online, Survival took precedence, New Routines were set up, I got my arms busted and had to get Physiotherapy. All this in March.
Took me until April to get anything sorted and then I was grievously behind on my Academics,
So Updates to the Blog took little to no Priority sadly.
Usually here I would give my take on an anime in full depth and detail.
However Im afraid Dororo does not Justify with its Quality the amount of Time I spent watching and analyzing it.
1/5 or 2/10
depending on how you want your rating
Again, refer to my Aristic Scale
I won't go into too much depth,
I would like to thank MAL User: RebelPanda
For his spot on Review of what I thought about Dororo as well,
He gives it a 5/10 which would be the same as my 1/5 since for me Anything below 5/10 on MAL would have been dropped.
You can see his entire review at length here:
As for my piece:

A Gross Simplifcation:
Japan during the Samurai Era, just before the Warring States/Sengoku Jidai Period
A Realm Lord is at his wits end with his domains end imminent.
War, Famine, Disease and all matter of Catastrophe has fallen to his Land,
In his desperation, he feeds his firstborn Son to the Demons to Seal a Pact that would guarantee the Prosperity of his Land.
The bargain was struck and the Demons fed on the Firstborn, but due to the Goddess of Mercy Intervening, he was spared at Deaths Door, having none of his body except his head.
The Child against all odds Survives and grows up with Prosthetics, while the Lords Realm Prospered on his Sacrifice.
All grown up, he discovers the truth of his plight and that he needs to kill the Demons that robbed from him to get back his body.
But at what cost?
Enjoyable / Artistic: 1/5 -> The first 2 points are for Enjoyment and Artistic, so being 1/5 means it was either only enjoyable and had 0 artistic value, or it was a work of art in a sense it does something unique and novel but not enjoyable to watch.
Or it can be a mix of the two.
I would say Dororo sits at around 50% Enjoyable and 50% Artistic to a total of 1/2 of the possible points.
I sat through it all, It was great amazing and brimming with energy at the start but towards the 12th Episode Mark it began to go downhill.
I was about to drop it at around the 15th Episode but I persisted simply due to the merit of characterization that Dororo recieved
It has mature themes, it has an interesting take, it has good characterization, It has promising themes, it has an overarching theme and plot.
But that's the problem
Like Cavemen sitting on a well of Oil, it has it but it didn't develop it.
Think of the worlds greatest Oil Reserve, it can be the basis of Trillion Dollar Industry, but because a Bunch of Cavemen have it the Potential is wasted since they don't know what to do.
The Enjoyable part is the Cavemen learning they can use it to color each other black, use it to slip each other, as a Lubricant for reasons or to Ignite it and burn each other.
That would sum it up, it was entertaining but it got old really really fast
And it hurts even more when you know just how much potential it has that is being wasted.
So that is my take on Dororo.
Oh and btw, Dororo is a Girl.
And if you are gonna be Patient enough to see her Grow up, ill save you the trouble (Last 3 minutes of the final Episode)

Have a nice day!