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So I watched Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)


Artistic: Its a take on Sonic where they stayed true to his original design and went back to remake the movie for it. Respect. Also Dr Eggman's Character is done by Jim Carrey, Absolutely amazing Acting.

Recommended: There are a ton of nice references, Dr Eggmans Acting is amazing. He is an insanely fascinating Villain who is also easily hate-able for the purposes of the narrative, but you can understand and empathize with him to an extent. His Past and Circumstances leave a grey-scale

Rewatch: NO


NO, just NO

In Summary: Its a Kids Movie marketed towards Sonic Fans for nostalgia.
The Plot is cliched and paper thin, all the actors except Jim Carrey as DR Eggman and Sonic's Antics and comedy
Are all that is enjoyable about the movie.

It makes very little sense
Why do the USA resort to Dr Eggman so readily when everyone hates him?
How does Dr Eggman have such cutting edge technology all to himself without at-least some level of implementation in the army?
How did Sonic live for so long in the Town and only break now?
Sonic can go anywhere in the world, he is known to be able to run over water and buildings through sheer speed and is fast enough to break the sound barrier over 3 times. Why does he need the guys help to get the rings?

Don't get me started over Physics. The Laws of Physics are absolute garbage here and there is little to no consistency in it. Physics operates on a plot need basis.

They don't even explain the origin of Sonic's Power and the Rings. There is zero development of Sonic's caretaker.
In a strict narrative retrospect, Sonic receives little to no development and neither does any other character in the movie.
We only care about Sonic because we have played the games and its due to nostalgia, Kids on the other hand can watch a funny colorful cartoon do stuff: See Minions as an example.

In Short, the movie greatly fell short in delivering a good movie for Sonic.
You need to turn off your brain and just enjoy the jokes and Dr Eggman to enjoy it.
Which is the only reason I recommend it.

and because the directors were generous enough to listen to the fanbase and redesign Sonic so he does not look like the absolute mess he was before. I wouldn't even have watched the movie if that had persisted.

Image result for Old Sonic vs New Sonic

I swear, Dr Eggman's Acting by Jim Carrey cannot be understated. Here is a few clips to showcase that:

The Movie Trailer except its Eggmans Movie:

The Best scene of the Movie, Eggman doing his Evil Dance:

The Full Eggman Dance Scene but its terrible Quality:

Tell me you don't like what you see. Jim Carrey single handedly saved this film from being a Hot mess. And the fact Sonic got his redesign

Consider the following:

Original Film: 0/5
Original Film after Redesign: 2/5
Original Film without Eggman's Acting: -5/5

I won't weigh between the Redesign and Eggman's acting.
Just know that out of everything, those 2 things are the only reason this movie is redeemable.

Since this is the first time there is a negative rating, ill explain
it simply means whatever the Artistic Scale awarded a point for, this Movie does the opposite and ends up making it worse. Hence getting a negative point instead.

So there you have it
Only watch this movie if you have even the slightest gratitude for the work and effort that Jim Carrey put into this
Or if you want to show your approval to Film makers listening to the community and Fixing Sonic's Design.
Show them the result of their change via a Movie Ticket. The film is bad
But again
Sonics Redesign and Eggmans Acting are what redeemed it.
Everything else from Narrative down to Acting was downright horrifying and cringy.


So i watched 1917

Image result for 1917

1917 is a War Film Inspired by events in WW1
It is the year 1917, the Germans have seemingly retreated from the Frontlines
The 2nd Devons Division has decided to follow them hoping it will result in a rout
In reality the Germans have strategically withdrawn to The Hindenburg Line
And since most people don't know
Attacking that Line is Suicide
Ill explain later

So the story goes
Our two Protagonists are Lance Corporals who have been given the Impossible task of telling the Devons Division to stop the attack else 1,600 men will perish along with the Brother of our Protagonist
They have 24 hours, a Race against time!

So as usual: The Rating


Hell yes
I will sell you on just one thing: Cinematogrophy
(actually 2 cuz intermission for cinemas)

The camera is amazing in panning in and out and meandering along the sides. There are absolutely no cuts so you are sucked into the movie along with the Protags. You don't see anything before they do, all the Suspense and Thrill is carried in absolute Real time
It is absolutely Spellbinding
You will be glued to the Screen for 1 and a half hours
I cannot say enough about the immensely amazing quality of work put into this. An absolute Masterwork of Art

While it is no secret I have an intense Bias for Historical Films
The Artistic Prowess, the Cinematography, the Props and setting, The Actors, Atmosphere and even the Writing is on point
It is 95% Accurate to Actual History
5% is Dramatized with Fictional Characters and Event as well as the
I won't spoil it, you need to see it to believe it

Re-Watching: If you ask me, Yes I can see myself rewatching this. It spell binds you, it is captivating, it is intensely interesting. It will suck you in without a doubt. You can watch it again but it will only get better as you will start noticing other extra things peppered into the Screen. The Soldiers, Reactions, Events etc. All of the Chaos that you couldn't notice the smaller things at first glance become even more apparent. The more times you watch it, the more times it will suck you in.
This is Prime Historical Movie Thriller.


It lacks the polish and feeling you get from an absolute masterpiece.
It is absolutely shining and compelling, but when compared to an Actual Masterpiece like The Darkest Hour and The Irishmen it isn't a full blown masterpiece.
Namely because a Casual Viewer might not like what he sees, might get bored from the One Shot, might abhor the Violence and Gore (people are triggered super easily)
A plethora of Controversial Content exists here, also since its History and the movie is Directed by Allied Nations it is seen from their point of view. Not saying it doesn't take into account the German perspective, it does humanize them quite a bit, but needless to say it will be slanted in favor of the Allies.
So no, While it is no doubt perfectly executed, It lacks the feel and polish of a Masterpiece.

Conclusion: 10/10
but not a 11/10 or 6/5 since that ranked belongs to Absolute Masterpieces that go above and beyond perfection
It is the best of Cinema, go and watch it.

If you don't know History, you will Enjoy it
If you do know History, you will Love it


So I watched Fate: Lord El Melloi II Case Files

Image result for Lord el melloi case files"

Based on the Novel by Kinoko Nasu comes the Anime Adaption:
Image result for Lord el melloi case files"

It follows the story of Waver Velvet from Fate Zero (you need to watch that first) as he takes the mantle of Kayneth from Fate Zero, the master of Lancer, as Lord El Melloi II
He teaches Magecraft, Unravels Mystics, Figures out Dubious Cases using excellent detective work whilst taking Magecraft into consideration.

So before anything else, Ill drop the Rating: 4.5/5

Artistic: Quite, its Stylistic. It captures the flair of Magic in the Type Moon world spectacularly. Everything from Magecraft Rituals to Terminology. Subjects, Fields, Characters, Ranks, Hierarchy and even the Underbelly. Like for Instance Rail Zeppelin.
Type Moon has alot to do with Mystic Eyes.
There is Tsukihime and Kara no Kyoukai where we discuss Mystic Eyes of Death Perception. In the Fate Series there are Mystic Eyes of Petrification as well.
They are an oddity that aren't thoroughly explored. This anime brings immense light to that.
While it is character driven narrative with developing stakes and personas.
One can watch it as a Documentary of the World of Type Moon as the Lord of Modern Magecraft Theory: Lord El Melloi II explains the world as we explore it through him. While also hammering out character motivations and complications.

Plus there is another Arturia Character:
Fate Series FGO Lord El Melloi II Sei no Jikenbo Rail Zeppelin Grace Note anime girls grey hair 2D fan art school uniform thigh highs looking at viewer short hair Gray Lord El Melloi II Case FilesLady Gray, Who is the Protag of the story as well. So Definitely a Thumbs up

Recommended: Eh, I suppose. But its limited. I wouldn't recommend it to everyone, as I would first ask them to watch Fate Zero, and before Fate Zero I would tell them to Watch Fate Unlimited Blade Works.
Basically this anime caters to Type Moon Fans rather than newcomers and those going in blind. You can be spoiled and you will be left confused with whats happening as well.
It has cameos to a ton of characters from the Fate Verse:
Olga Marie = Fate Grand Order
Shishigou = Fate Apocrypha
Caules = Fate Apocrypha
Luvia Engelfelt = Fate Unlimited Blade Works
Iskander = Fate Zero
Kayneth = Fate Zero
Waver Velvet = Fate Zero

So do i recommend it? Yes BUT Only because this is a deep dive into the World of Type Moon. If you are curious about what the Type Moon world is like, go ahead and watch it to sate your curiosity. But if you go in expecting to be blown away, well if you are a Type Moon fan already then yes. If you have no idea then no, dont expect much.

Re-Watching: If you ask me, Yes I can see myself rewatching this. Noticing the clues and the tiny little details in Hindsight is its own Entertainment. So Yes, I would love to see Waver expertly solve everything again and see Gray Tan at it again with her Super Weapon.
Plus its always great to get a taste of the Type Moon World. It's amazing.

Perfect: Honestly I can't say. It has certainly made an impression, but placing it among the ranks of other Perfect Works wouldn't be fair. Like this isn't the level of something like Fate Zero with its deep Philosophical Girth. Nor is it comparable to the High action and energy of Kuroko no Basket. You certainly can't think of it as a Piece of Perfection, but it is definitely up there. I cannot see any better way to delve into the World of Type Moon.

Conclusion: 4.5/5 -> A 9/10 if you may It is certainly Amazing and has merit, However it isn't that amazing to stand shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the 5/5 Class. Even though it is definitely head and shoulders above the 4/5 Class.