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So I watched: Netflix's Shadow and Bone

TL;DR: 4.5/5 -> Refer to my Artistic Scale

Based on the Books of the Same name by Author: Leigh Bardugo

Russia Ravka is at war with multiple countries. 

There are Magical people in this world known as Grisha and Russia has plenty of em.

Plus there is a whole Deadzone known as the Fold that has split the country in half.

Facing war, the fold and general inequality (Racism) in life

Our protags are thrust into the center of events with one being a prophesised savior and the other her best friend.

On the other hand we have a rag tag bunch of misfits trying to make a living and an unlikely couple of a Grisha and a Fjerden (basically Vikings) trying to overcome their differences despite being from different worlds.

This is a world of magic, malice, and might. Prophecies, Prophets and Profit.

All with a very 18th Century theme to it.

Very enjoyable, very interesting and quite captivating.

4.5/5 -> Refer to my Artistic Scale

1: The nation of Dravka, the concept of Grisha's, The fold. Everything is extremely intriguing. The layer of magic intermixed with a very realistic setting is very interesting to say the least.

The show does a good job of not doing an exposition dump and allowing us to learn about the world through our main characters. Its a perfect example of "Show don't tell"

2: It was quite entertaining. 

I found myself rooting for our Protag Mal, and while Alina has all the ingredients to be a Mary Sue: Godlike Powers and an infallible character unable to do wrong with a spicy love triangle added to it.

I am pleasantly surprised she isn't one. She is imperfect, she has her flaws, she has outbursts, she makes mistakes with consequences and most of all: She has a personality that helps you understand that she is a person who exists outside her powers and the plot, heck the 1st 3 eps have her made as a powerless normal girl trying to survive. 

An Excellent take which alot of shows and movies run into a problem with when dealing with a strong female lead. >looking at you star wars

3: I would recommend this being a History nut, a Magic Enthusiast and generally because the writing and characters are solid and the entire series is an amazing adaption. 

I would legit love to go read the OG source material for this.

4: There is an overarching plot and a rising set of stakes that escalate as the plot goes on.

Plus the frequent callback to past events makes this series worthwhile to rewatch. Some of the conspiracies were there from the start and some of the odd actions are re-contexualized which makes reveals and plot twists more natural as opposed to forced retcons.


Not a masterpiece

There were moments in the show, small albeit, that I felt were forced or contrived. While the whole thing makes sense and its all stable overall, those small small things put you off.

By far the biggest gripe I have with the show is the acting of Amita Suman, the actress of Anej.

While I understand I cannot demand perfection but continuously I felt a disconnect between what the character is described as versus the actor acting her out down to the delivery of the lines.

Anej is an assassin who is religious and has a code to not kill, yet she is trained in the assassin arts.

This duality plays deep into her character and sets up for the obvious situation where her belief is tested against what she holds dear. 

Sadly it did not feel genuine, a good parallel to draw is Batman. Batman does not kill, yet he was trained by Ra's Al Ghul as an assassin plus he has plenty of firepower to make it happen. Yet Christian Bale in Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy nails his character by a geniune show throw his constant brooding nature as well as hesitation when it comes to killing. Down to the fact that while Batman can snap a thugs neck in a heartbeat, instead he resorts to fracturing their arms and knocking their teeth in. He can't kill them but anything short of it is fair game.

Her Anej has a strong belief on not killing and is a trained assassin. Don't get me wrong, her character is written very well. It's my chagrin that the actress playing her doesn't make the cut.

Amita Suman in every combat situation makes it look like she is hitting to kill, like a Knife jab to the throat. 

Yet luckily the enemy never seems to die. 

It makes me wonder if her opponent was ever any less competent, they would get stabbed in the throat by her accidently and Anej would have inadvertently killed someone despite their belief of not doing so. 

Now you can argue that heat of moment situation or that Anej is inexperienced and I can't expect her to be Batman but then Garret from the Thief series is another perfect example. 

Garret says that Killing is the mark of an amateur yet he resorts to killing when there is no other choice. It is not a perfect doctrine yet he strives his best to explore all other available options.

Black jack knock outs, blinding, sneaking etc. Only as a last resort does he resort to actually killing the target since he is a master thief.

Therefore it is not a stretch to ask that Anej who's core tenants in life demand her not to kill would not show any modicum of restraint against others.

Other that that, the delivery of her lines feel too rapid. Like the time she is mourning over her parents fate, she blurts out lines like she is on the clock yet you would expect some level of silence and softness while speaking when they are mourning or digesting a situation.

I am sure she will get better in future, but her acting so far has damaged the adaption of Anej. 

Therefore, reasons like this render me unable to call this show a Masterpiece.

Shadow and Bone thus is docked at 4.5/5 

Which is a pretty decent score all things considered, 5 is what I consider Perfection so its just shy of perfection. Everything above 5 is awarded as a Hall of Fame award so there is that.


Updated Artistic Scale

 Firstly, yes It has been an year. The last post is from a time before COVID

Truly Ancient History

In any case, I post whenever I feel like it. Though I will strive to improve my frequency.

Anyway, an update to the Artistic Scale. After having watched around 300 anime titles by now, my taste as well as understanding developed and as such the Measure of Quality must also be updated along with it.

Previously there was a 5 star system with a 6 star band for the truly exceptional. That remains the same, except The Star rating goes up to a maximum of 8 stars, no exceptions. So for refresher, I will define what each star rating means.

1 star = EITHER Entertaining OR Artistic

Like before, 1 star is essentially the statement "I was able to watch it to the end without dropping" and there are 2 possible reasons why

1: It was mindless entertainment, something to shut off your brain with and just enjoy.  Examples: Dororo, Pop Team Epic & Busou Shoujo Machiavellianism (I kid you not, this is a show about a guy who beats up girls to induct them into his harem)

2: It was novel, artistic, it did something new for its time that you can remember it by. Examples: Neon Genesis Evangellion, Akudama Drive (This anime is alot of things, Coherent isn't one but it was a fun concept nonetheless. A sort of Suicide Squad if you may), Quan Zhi Gao Shou (This one is an anime about E-Sports go figure)

2 star = Entertaining AND Artistic

Read: Guilty Pleasure 

This has more to do with the 3 star band, 2 stars were anime that were fun and novel but aren't something you would tell others to watch for any reason. Mostly if it is cringe, disturbing, perverted or something you enjoyed simply because it catered to your tastes. Examples: K-on, Blend S, Domestic no Kanojo (Yea, I am shirking my Dignity to give these examples xD )

3 star = Would recommend to others

Inclusive of everything that comes before, this show was Artistic, Entertaining and you have no qualms about recommending it to other people. This is where majority of Shows usually end up, the generic normal shows or just plain medicore. They weren't bad but nothing that good either. Don't get me wrong, it isn't an insult it means that this show has escape the trench of being trash and is among the ranks of decent media that are worth ones time, just nothing exceptional.

Examples: SAO Alternative GGO, Hanebado, Joker Game, Overlord, Death Parade

4 star = Rewatch Value

A show with a relevant overarching plot that is slowly built up over episodes until its final delivery at the climax. Such that if you ever happened to watch this show again, the anticipation remains and one can actively notice things that they didn't notice during their first watch.

Examples: Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: All of them (This is important since Jojo has been the only anime with multiple instalments that have all ended up consistently good as well as being easily rewatchable)

5 star = Perfect, Can't think of anything better

Often when watching shows you might feel there was something amiss, or perhaps something too rushed or just not right that feeling is valid and the way I identify it is by asking the question "Could this be done better?" Making a coherent narrative is by no means an easy task. Many writers even most prominent ones run into the issues of Plotholes and Inconsistencies which would be too breaking or too boring to address, hence why Retcons exist to keep things fresh but it can certainl feel jarring.

Anime which do not run into these issues, a Perfect Run as you may. If you felt there was no forseeable way that this anime could have been done better or rather you cannot find any sizeable fault. Then it stands tall among the ranks of the Perfect.

Example: Fate Zero, Initial D, Goblin Slayer, Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer, Kara no Kyoukai: Garden of Sinners

6 star = Masterpiece

At its core, art is a manifestation of emotion. It is a form of how man expresses themselves. Art has many mediums, from Still Life to Dance to Music to Theatre and even Animation along with everything else in between. Among these expressions of Art, are such sublime pieces of Work that evokes Emotion even in the hearts of a stranger seeing it for the first time. Anime is no exception, while it is an entertainment medium it isn't exclusively for entertainment. Just as how Drawing isn't exclusive for Comics. An anime that can draw out Emotional Reactions, and intense feelings of Hope, Love, Gratitude, Relief, Pathos, Sadness, and Joy. Such an anime deserves to be called a 'Masterpiece' 

It may be a long running title like One Piece and Gintama with its ups and downs, Episodic pieces like Cowboy Beebop, Seasonal Installments like My Hero Academia S4 or even 12 episode hitters like Dr Stone S1 and especially well done titles like Cells at Work: Code Black

A Piece that inspires emotion, is truly a work of art and should be cherished for they are truly marvels

7 star = Masterpiece ++

Carrying on the spirit of the last star band, this set of Masterpieces went above and beyond all Expectation. Setting new heights and standards for all other Mediums of Art to aspire to. These anime do not arouse a single emotion, but a multitude and perhaps several times over within the same instalment. These pieces are often steeped in immense Ideologue, have absolutely Solid Characters that could breathe life into a Vacuum and a Narrative with a Strength that rivals Titans. Such a solid piece of art that is truly the pinnacle of achievement.

Examples: 3-gatsu no lion, Steins;Gate, Haikyuu and Vinland Saga

8 star = GOAT(Greatest of All Time)

A pinnacle of achievement and a Masterpiece already, the last extra icing on the top is if this anime even caters to the exact preferences you had. 

In my case, I am a sucker for Well Defined Magic Systems (Magic Systems that obey Sanderson's 3 Laws of Magic with extreme vigour) as well as Historical Themes and Ideologue. 

Pieces of Media that have shaped me as a person were those that made me Question and come to Realizations,  They were examples to strive for and ofcourse it is my personal Belief that History is of the greatest importance to Man. Mankind has atleast 12,000 Years of History and we barely know any of it from before 4000 years of now (Before Egypt) and the problems we face today such as: How do we live together with different people, the Question of Governance, Corruption, Faith and what not. All these questions our ancestors faced, and in 12,000 years of continued Human Existence many answers to those questions were tested. By learning what our ancestors did, we can avoid repeating mistakes and learn to be better as we build on our successes. Therefore, any anime that lays an emphasis on History instantly becomes a favourite of mine. If there was a Masterpiece that also pulled this off, then surely I would call it the Greatest of All Time.

As of now, there has been only 1 Title to be crowned this honor.

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

That is it for my Artistic Scale, hope you find it useful in rating your own pieces and for any future pieces I review myself.

There are several things I should mention tho,

Every star band has a High (H) and Low (L) rating, this is meant to distinguish between Pieces in the same Star Tier. 

High can imply it barely missed the next Star ranking or that this piece is comfortably sitting in this tier. 

Low can imply that this title barely made it to this tier or that it sits a bit behind the other pieces in the same tier.

High is denoted by a .5 while Low are Whole Numbers.

Example: 4 High = 4.5 ; 3 Low = 3

Furthermore are as follows:

BIAS = Anime that are unable to be fairly judged (For me its Gintama and Carnival Phantasm)

0 Star = Dropped Anime

X Rank = Not my thing (Anime that you do not approve of for personal reasons, for me it would be Banana Fish. It may or may not be good, but my perception is coloured against it due to Homosexual Themes which I do not approve of)